How to raise a happy child: three rules for parents
Undoubtedly, you are a good parent: the child is full, dressed, gifted with gadgets, toys and gifts. But is this enough for the upbringing of a harmonious personality? Psychologists say that the deep needs of the baby do not always coincide with the parental ideas. Try to start with simple axioms of interaction: you will be surprised how much the crumb becomes more joyful and self-confident.
Share a happy part of your life with your child. Among the routine, work cases and household chores find for the baby at least twenty minutes, which will be completely owned only by him. It is not necessary to dedicate this precious rest to moralizing, punishing, disputing and analyzing flights - read together a fairy tale, look at a kind cartoon or simply lie on the sofa in an embrace. This time is necessary for the child to maintain a warm spiritual connection with you - the basis of his correct self-identification.
Do not give up your own hobby. It is difficult for a child to build an adequate system of moral values if his parents are engaged in resolving exclusively material issues. Enthusiasm enrich life with emotions and experience, make a person - both an adult and a small one - many-sided, interesting, loyal and kinder. Do not send the child to dozens of unnecessary circles: after catching your example, he can find a job for himself.
Delegate authority. Entrust a child with some of the responsibilities and do not seek to criticize their performance: this is how the concept of responsibility develops. Even if the baby first resists, patience and goodwill will help him realize the need for work and get rid of spoiled.