make a bookmark for Yandex

Corporation Yandex, known, first of all,with the same name search system, which is one of the most popular, in addition to standard functions for searching for various content on the Internet, provides its users with other interesting opportunities. For example, the ability to set visual bookmarks. Not everyone knows how to do this. Let's take a look at what this is all about, and what you need to do to install Yandex's visual bookmarks.

What is the visual bookmark of Yandex?

By simple, visual bookmarking is a "window" on thea certain web page. It is much more convenient than text bookmarks, in which, at times, we have to sit for a long time and find the right site. Immediately, you just have to look through the browser window and click on the box with the name of a particular page. Everything is very simple, convenient and functional.

Let's remind, for the first time bookmarks appeared on the InternetOpera browsers back in 2007. Then other browsers followed suit and installed their own. Developers constantly update the capabilities of the Yandex browser, improving it visually and adding minor edits that affect the functionality.

make a bookmark for Yandex

Learn more about installing bookmarks.

As mentioned above, Yandex providesthe opportunity to use your product to anyone who wishes. But to install it, you have to tinker a bit. Let's look at the example of the Google Chrome browser, let's look at what we need to do, because, surprisingly, the most popular Internet browser does not have its own visual bookmarks, and it is because of this that most users are asking about their installation in Chrome.

  1. Go to the "Settings and management of Chrome", which is shown as a wrench;

  2. Then select "Tools";

  3. There should be a window in which we need to select the "Extensions" menu;

  4. In it, click on the link "Want to see the gallery";

  5. In the opened window "Internet shop" there is a search line, where we need to enter "Yandex visual bookmarks", then press Enter;

  6. Select the bookmark and click "Install";

  7. You must confirm the new extension in the window. Just click "Add";

After completing all the points above, a visual bookmark from Yandex will be installed.

make a bookmark for Yandex

How to add your bookmark

There is nothing easier than adding your site tovisual bookmark. All you need is to click on the empty window and select one of the recently visited sites from the list. If the site you want to add is not there, just enter the name of the website in the field below.

By and large, the procedure for setting bookmarksthat in the browser Opera, that in Mozilla FireFox is similar to the one described above. Moreover, the opera has its own, quite qualitative bookmarks, so download any additional content without the need.

Install visual bookmarks from Yandex and spend your time on the Internet with comfort, not "ryskaya" on uncomfortable and cumbersome text menus in the search for the right web resource.

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