Dependence on informationOne of the charms of the time in which we live -is the availability of information. We learn about the news in a matter of minutes, at any time we can find almost any information we need. But at any moment this charm can turn out to be a big problem: many people nowadays develop dependence on information.

Dependence on information is often confused withcomputer dependency, but these dependencies can not be identified. Undoubtedly, most of the information we get with the help of a computer, and the information dependency originated in the Internet age, when the information flow became almost unlimited. But information dependence is the dependence on the consumption of information from any available sources: Internet, television, radio, books, newspapers ...

Dependence on information arises from the interaction of two factors. On the one hand, the flow of information with which wedaily encounter, very large. All this information can not be learned, let alone analyzed. On the other hand, instead of shielding ourselves from the excess of information, we are getting used to living in this information space. There is a need for constant information retrieval - information dependence.

The problem is that not only does the volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind increase, but also their accessibility. And all available gradually depreciates, thisoccurs and with the information. If you previously valued the ability to perceive, absorb and use information, now the main thing is to learn how to organize it and to filter out unnecessary information. The information flow is so huge that a person can not perceive and process it all.

A person suffering from dependence on information needs constant input of data. Information becomes a drug for him. Morning begins with reading news or friends on the blog, in the transport he reads or listens to audiobooks, lunch breaks - again news or blogs, on the weekend - the Internet, books, movies. It seems that this is bad? At first glance it seems that a person simply tries to make good use of his time, because in the modern pace of life we ​​do not have much time.

But the problem is that Over time, this information is no longer assimilated. After receiving the next portion of information to usIt takes time to think, analyze and draw conclusions. However, having got used to perceive information in the non-stop mode, a person ceases to process it. It is not postponed in the head, does not cause a desire to think and discuss it. It turns out that a person does not get new knowledge and experience - and that's the whole point of perception of information. We are accustomed to only consume and stop analyzing and creatively processing information, and this is a dangerous dependence on information.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that dependence on information is "fueled" by the surrounding world. Radio and advertising in minibuses, taxis,supermarkets and other public places, TV or radio in the background at home - all these are sources of information. We can and do not pay attention to them, but the brain will still spend some of its resources on the perception and processing of this information.

Fosters dependence on information and the Internet. The fact is that it has a lot of duplicateinformation - news and articles are written in different ways, but the essence is one. Some of the messages do not carry information value. And a lot of time is wasted on the Internet - to the detriment of rest and even work.

How to deal with information dependence? To start, you need, if possible reduce the amount of incoming "background" information - turn off the TV and radio when they are not needed. In public places - listen to good music from the player, and not included by someone else's radio. Reduce the number of blogs in Friendlight, read mailing lists and RSS feeds, leaving only really important ones.

Periodically, you need to arrange for yourself "unloading days". Of course, completely shield yourself from informationit does not work out, but, say, promise yourself that you will not be reading news or a friend today. Or use the Internet only for work. In general, cut the incoming information flow at the expense of not the most necessary.

And, finally, it is important to learn how to work with information. Learn the principles of searching the Internet tonot "poke blindly", looking for the necessary information. Learn to highlight the main thing, find cause and effect relationships, draw conclusions. And, finally, humble yourself with the fact that no one can know everything: the amount of information in the world is too great for one person to be able to absorb it, not at least what to absorb.

Dependence on information
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