Treatment of cough folk remedies: how to quickly cure cough folk remedies at home
Although cough itself is not a disease, but only aonly a frequent symptom of many diseases, he is able to literally poison life and cause considerable inconvenience and even suffering. From a cough, you always want to get rid quickly and possibly with simple medications, so treatment from it with folk remedies at home looks so attractive. Many such remedies have excellent reviews, but the choice of the one that will help you is determined by the individual characteristics, type of cough and, of course, by what causes your cough is caused. To get rid of a cough completely you can only cured the disease that caused it.
Selection of folk remedies for treatment of different types of cough
Coughing - a natural humana physiological reaction to the disturbance of the airway patency that has arisen for some reason. Very often, as a cough, it is possible to determine which disease caused it. Typical cough occurs with diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, heart, thyroid gland, central nervous system, cold and viral diseases, allergies.
Before trying to get rid of a cough,try to understand what caused it. It is possible that this is the first manifestation of a disease. Drowning out the first symptoms thoughtlessly and indiscriminately, you risk too late to learn that something is seriously ill. And the success of treatment too often depends on the timeliness of the diagnosis.
Types of cough and folk remedies
By type, the cough is divided into dry and wet. Wet cough is accompanied by sputum, dry - no.
Dry cough
This cough is sometimes called unproductive. It causes severe irritation of the respiratory tract and can be very painful. Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough are used to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, remove swelling and quickly suppress the manifestation of the cough control reflex.
Wet cough
Wet, or productive cough accompanied bysputum isolation. It is with phlegm that the products of inflammation, excess mucus, microbes and any extraneous particles that prevent the entry of air into the lungs leave the body. With the help of folk remedies, the productivity of a wet cough is increased: they are used to dilute sputum and strengthen its separation.
Types of cough and disease, which he is called
By types of coughing is most often distinguished, based on its duration and some characteristic features:
Acute cough - occurs suddenly, lasts no more than 3 weeks. He accompanies the flu, ARVI, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, allergies, infectious diseases.
Prolonged cough - lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months. Evidence of a serious defeat of the respiratory system and the danger of the transition of an untreated disease to a chronic form. It can also occur when the ascarids are infected.
Persistent or chronic cough - can be strong or weak, even orparoxysmal, painful or painless. This is the most unpleasant kind of cough, it occurs as a result of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma, heart failure, stomach diseases or thyroid gland. Chronic cough accompanied by tuberculosis and lung cancer. In addition, a persistent cough can be psychogenic, that is, caused by either diseases of the nervous system (hysteria) or severe stress. Chronic "morning cough of a smoker" is also widely known.
Cough can also be completely healthy person. Physiological cough does not need treatment, either folk remedies or medicines. With the help of it, you simply get rid of accumulated sputum or foreign bodies that have got into the respiratory organs - dust, pieces of food, smoke. Children cough more often than adults: healthy breasts cough up to 20 times a day, and this is absolutely normal.
Cough: effective treatment with folk remedies
Folk remedies for cough are usedbut for their maximum effectiveness it is necessary not to confine oneself to any one, even the most famous and "suitable" prescription, but to fight with a cough in a complex way. To achieve the best result, use not one, but several suggested methods of traditional medicine:
In accordance with the recommendations of the doctor, deal with the underlying disease that caused the cough; Do not try to avoid treatment, just getting rid of cough as a symptom of the disease.
To soften the mucosa, drink a lot: hot herbal teas and decoctions, milk or folk remedies based on milk, warm water will do.
Humidify the air indoors: it is best to do it with a special evaporator, but if it is not there, at least cover the batteries with wet towels.
To dilute sputum, inhalation with soda, salt, essential oils, herbal compounds.
Do special procedures to increase the expectorant effect of cough: mustard, cans, compresses, rubbing, massage.
Folk remedies for the treatment of wet and dryCoughing usually neutralizes each other's actions. To avoid this, never take them together, and if necessary, both, divide the reception in time. Means for softening the mucosa and suppressing dry cough use only in the evening and at night. Expectorant and thinning procedures, on the contrary, only in the morning and in the afternoon. So you will achieve the maximum effect of cough treatment folk remedies.
Folk remedies for cough
Usually folk remedies for coughare prepared from the simplest and affordable products and herbs. The most commonly used milk, onions, garlic, honey, black radish, soda, potatoes. Recently, exotic yet very exotic, but very effective ginger, fir oil and eucalyptus have been added recently. Of the herbs, chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, linden, licorice root, and Ledum are most often used.
Be careful: cough often accompanies allergies. Use only those drugs that you absolutely do not have an allergic reaction. The most allergenic of antitussive drugs: honey, eucalyptus, ledum, linden, mustard. If you have heart problems or blood coagulability, you should also take great care in ginger.
Rapid treatment with folk remedies for dry cough
Treatment with folk remedies for dry coughis usually aimed at causing an increased outflow of sputum, that is, it does not lessen the cough, but changes its character. This is necessary for a speedy recovery. If you want to get rid of a psychogenic cough, a smoker's cough or just reduce the constant dry cough during the treatment of the disease that caused it - use only the recipes of softeners and suppress the cough reflex, and do not use inhalations and compresses.
Malva for smokers
2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rhizomes of mallow fill with 0.5 liters of warm milk. Bring to a boil and simmer in the smallest fire for 15 minutes.
Drink the broth 100 grams 4 times a day. This remedy eliminates the chronic "morning cough smoker".
Onions and aloe from dry cough
1 small onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of aloe juice
1 cup of milk
Preparation and reception:
Onions and garlic finely chop and pour a glass of boiling milk.
Let it brew for 3 hours, then add honey and aloe.
Drink 1 tbsp. spoon every half an hour during the day.
Onions with honey
300 g of onions
100 g of honey
Preparation and reception:
Grind the onions in a blender. Add honey and mix well. Insist the remedy for 15 hours.
Eat 1 tsp spoon 4 times a day between meals.
Nettles in sugar
Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of dried nettle leaves with a glass of boiling sugar syrup.
For the preparation of syrup 4 tbsp. Spoon sugar in 200 ml of boiling water.
Bring nettle with syrup to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day
Bran infusion
500 g of oat bran, pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap the dishes with a towel and allow to stand for one and a half hours, then strain.
All infusion drink in small portions throughout the day. You are treated like this 3 days in a row.
Burnt sugar
4 tbsp. Spoon the sugar on a hot, but not hot-frying pan and put on a weak fire.
Stir constantly, melt the sugar and cook until it turns dark brown. Stir gently, melted sugar sprinkles and bubbles, it can burn badly.
Densely grease the plate with butter and pour the melted sugar into it.
When the sugar is solid, break it into small pieces.
The resulting lollipops dissolve, putting under the tongue.
Milk with honey and yolk
1 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon butter
1 yolk
soda at the tip of the knife
Preparation and reception:
Whisk the yolk into the foam, adding to it 2-3 drops of hot water.
Put milk to boil, at the moment of boiling add soda and remove from heat.
Immediately add the butter, honey and whipped egg yolk to the milk, stir well.
Drink hot, letting the milk cool down enough to not burn yourself. It is best to do this several times a day, but not more than four times.
This folk remedy perfectly softens the cough-irritated throat
Milk with pearl barley
To prepare this remedy, it is better to use barley with husk. But if it is not, you can take peeled barley, that is, ordinary pearl barley.
Two-thirds of a glass of barley fill with a liter of milk, bring to a boil and put in the oven at 150 degrees for 4 hours. As the boil-off, top up the milk to the same amount.
Ready barley can be used at your discretion, and for treatment you need to drain milk from it. Drink it for 3 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
Carrot cocktail
Prepare fresh carrot juice and mix it with the same amount of warm milk.
Drink half a glass of cocktail 4 times a day.
Beer with garlic and lemon
1 head of garlic
2 lemons
1.5 cups of sugar
0.5 liters of beer
Preparation and reception:
Grind in the blender lemons with peel, but without pits, and peeled garlic.
Mix all the ingredients, cover and put on a water bath.
Hold in a water bath for 30 minutes, but make sure that the mixture does not boil. Then strain.
Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Honey with olive oil
Mix an equal amount of liquid honey and high-grade olive oil.
Eat 1 teaspoon of this wonderful emollient 3 times a day.
Milk with sage
1 tbsp. spoon of dry sage
1 cup of milk
Preparation and reception:
Fill the sage with hot milk, bring it to a boil on low heat.
Allow to cool to room temperature, then boil again.
Strain and drink the broth warm.
Cough compresses
Cough compresses are made to strengthen the separation of sputum. If you have a fever, do not compress.
Piece of potatoes
Cook potatoes in a uniform, quickly clean and grind it without letting it cool.
Put the finished mashed potatoes in a plastic bag and wrap in a thin cloth so as not to get burned.
Lie down in bed and lay a potato cake on your chest in the trachea. You can take cover, but try not to overheat.
Keep the cake until the potatoes cool completely.
Potato-mustard tortilla
2 medium potatoes
2 tbsp. spoons of flour
1 tsp dry mustard
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tbsp. a spoon of vegetable oil
Manufacture and use:
Peel potatoes in a uniform, peel and grind.
Quickly mix all the ingredients without letting the potatoes cool down.
Form a thick cake and put it on the chest, cover with polyethylene or compress paper, on top put a warm towel or blanket. Keep until completely cooled down, but not less than 20 minutes.
The next day, put a cake on your back. Usually enough 3-4 alternations.
Water-based compress
Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and 1 tbsp. a mustard spoon.
Add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and liquid honey, stir well.
Pour into the mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, stir everything.
Spread a piece of gauze on the mixture and attach it to your chest. Cover it with polyethylene and wrap in a fluffy kerchief. Hold the compress for about 2 hours.
Children can not do such a compress, they have too tender skin.
Fatty gums
For this compress use goose fat, lard or lard.
Grind the medium bulb in the blender and mix with the fat. You can add a few drops of turpentine, but not necessarily.
Wipe the skin dry to avoid sweat marks. A small amount of the mixture is carefully rubbed into the skin in the chest area. Try to rub so that there is no fat on the skin.
Then wrap a warm kerchief and rest for at least 2 hours.
Mustard plaster
Mix the dry mustard with the same amount of flour. Dissolve boiled water to the state of gruel.
Spread mustard paste on paper or a rag and attach to the skin. Take cover with a blanket, but do not wrap yourself up, you do not need to sweat at all.
Keep the mustard plaster at least 10, but not more than 30 minutes.
If the mustard is very fresh, take more flour for cooking so that it does not get too hot.
Cough inhalation
Inhalations are usually used to dilute sputum and increase the productivity of cough. Just like compresses, inhalation can be done only at normal temperature.
Herbal Inhalation
For inhalation use a variety of herbs, fruits and dry leaves:
For inhalation:
Put in a saucepan on the bottom of a dry herb, add half a cup of boiling water and steam on minimum heat for 10-15 minutes.
Then add 1 more glass of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of soda.
Give a strong boil, turn off.
Cover the pan with a towel and breathe for 20 minutes.
If you are using an inhalation device, prepare the inhalation solution according to the instructions for the device.
Potato inhalations
Cook potatoes in a uniform in a small amount of water.
Without draining the water, mash the potatoes in a saucepan with the peel.
Cover yourself with a towel and breathe over the pan for 15-20 minutes.
Fast iodine inhalations
This is an effective tool for rapid relief of sudden cough.
In a glass of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of soda and 2 drops of iodine.
Immediately breathe rising from the glass of steam.
Expectorating folk remedies for the treatment of wet cough
These funds very easily dilute sputum, so they can be used for dry cough, if your goal is not to quickly suppress the cough reflex for several days.
Radish with honey
Take a large black radish, wash it well and dry it.
Cut off the top to get a removable "cap".
Make a deepening in the radish and pierce the flesh several times with a knife, but not through, try not to damage the peel.
Pour honey into the indentation and cover with a cut top. Put in the refrigerator.
In a couple of hours you will find that the groove filled with a mixture of honey and radish juice.
Drink this mixture 6 times a day for 1 tsp.
Decoction of licorice
1 tbsp. spoon of licorice root pour a glass of boiling water and put on a water bath for 20 minutes.
Allow to stand for an hour, then strain and add boiled water to 200 ml.
Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day
Raspberry tea
For 1 teaspoon of oregano and mother-and-stepmother, mix in a glass with raspberries and pour boiling water.
If raspberries are dried, take a teaspoonful of tea, if fresh or jam-five-minute - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Drink 1 glass of this tea 3 times a day.
Infusion of althea
1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried leaves of althea fill with a glass of boiling water. Allow to stand for 1 hour, then strain.
Drink 1 tsp 4 times a day.
Infusion of elecampane
2 teaspoons of roots of elecampane fill in a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water. Allow to stand for 3 hours, then strain.
Drink a glass of infusion per day, dividing it into 3 meals half an hour before meals.
Ginger Drink
2 tbsp. tablespoons grated ginger
1 tbsp. spoon of green tea
2 tbsp. spoons of honey
half lime (can be replaced with lemon)
5 pieces. carnations
1 tsp cinnamon
1 teaspoon of dill seeds
0.5 liters of water
Preparation and reception:
Brew tea, strain and pour into a saucepan.
Rub ginger into tea and bring to a boil.
Put the drink in a water bath, hold for 20 minutes.
Add the lemon, honey and spices crushed in a blender, cook for another 5 minutes.
Wrap the pan with a towel and let it brew for 1 hour.
Cool and strain. Store the drink in the refrigerator in a sealed container.
Drink, adding a quarter cup to tea, 5 = 6 times a day.
Nursing fees
A very effective folk remedy for treating cough is herbal pampering. The best reviews have such compositions:
mother-and-stepmother, marshmallow, oregano
plantain, mother-and-stepmother, licorice root
sage, anise, marshmallow, licorice root, pine buds
Chamomile, Ledum, Licorice, Calendula, Mint, Violet Grass
Prepare such a collection in a water bath.
Pour 1 tbsp. spoon collecting 1-m glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool and strain.
Drink fees for 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.
Treated from cough folk remedies at home, get well quickly and be healthy!