How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

When the throat is inflamed, the whole world is not sweet, and loved onesdrinks and dishes do not bring pleasure - it's so painful to swallow! An acute inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the larynx is not an independent disease, but only a warning signal about the impending disease. Soon, he is joined by other disappointing symptoms in the form of a cold, cough and high fever.

With severe pain in the throat can be suspectedtonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and this is the most modest list of existing diseases that begin with an inflammation of the throat. Treatment of colds doctors recommend starting with painkillers. Otherwise, the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply.

How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

How to soften the pain in the throat with angina

In order to calm the "fire" when swallowing, it is importantnot only efficiency, but also the availability of proven methods of fighting the common cold. The official medicine has several ways to solve the problem. Lozenges with anesthetic effect The anti-inflammatory substances, on the basis of which lollipops are produced, have a softening and disinfecting property. At purchase specify at the pharmacist, whether is in structure of a preparation extracts from medicinal plants (a sage, sea-buckthorn berries) and phenol and menthol - effective components lifting a pain. The main condition of the treatment: dissolve the lozenges need regularly for several days.

Soothing sprays for the throat with anesthetics

An anesthetic property, this medicine is given,to "freeze" the pain in the throat. The spray can quickly cope with even the most severe discomfort. Its essential shortcoming is a short time of action. After 30 - 40 minutes, the product finally cleanses the saliva.

How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

Cough syrups

This remedy is not intended for rapid throat anesthesia, but its rich in vitamins and herbal ingredients will help get rid of a cough that irritates an already sore throat.

We treat the throat with folk remedies

What could be easier than making tea with lemon? By the way, this wonderful remedy quickly removes the pain in the throat with angina at home. Strong black tea can also be flavored with two teaspoons of honey. Healing drink will revitalize the exhausted organism of the organism, warm the sore throat. Honey and lemon, being a natural vitamin-mineral complex, "program" the immunity for an early recovery. There are other effective tools that quickly eliminate the pain in the throat.


How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

A painful person should often gargle5 - 6 times a day). As healing solutions can use decoctions of herbs, vegetable and vegetable juices. Here are a few simple recipes for a note:

  • dissolve 1 tsp. propolis in 1 glass of warm water;

  • mix equal parts of warm water and Kalanchoe juice;

  • take 1 tbsp. l. horseradish, 1 tsp. ground cloves and 1 small amount of honey. Add all the ingredients to warm water (1 glass) - the remedy for sore throat is ready!

  • Half a teaspoon of sea salt dissolve in 1 glass of water;

  • Two teaspoons of dried sage leaves pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 15 - 20 minutes.


How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

Brew chamomile or mint tea, wait 10 - 15 minutes, then bend over the container with broth and cover the head with a towel. Deeply and calmly breathe healing couples 10 minutes.


The effect of massage can be enhanced with aromatherapy. On two drops of cypress and eucalyptus oils mix with two tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil and lightly massage the throat. The procedure increases blood circulation and, accordingly, has a warming effect.

How to quickly get rid of a sore throat

If you did not manage to improve your health within one or two days, please contact Laura.

Remember that the pain in the throat is just an effect, and the doctor will help you to establish a reliable reason.

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