Treatment of colds on lips with folk remedies
Cold on the lip - quite commontrouble. It's worth the immune system to weaken a little, how herpes makes itself felt - the lip swells, discomfort appears, then rashes appear. Of course, there are a lot of special ointments and antiviral drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy, however, often people prefer treatment with folk remedies.
Traditional remedies for colds on the lips
No matter how surprising this may sound, practically inevery home has a remedy for colds on the lips. Quite a popular means, though not quite traditional, is the earwax with a cotton swab to collect, how many it will be, and rub it in place of the rashes. The method may not be the most attractive, but it is considered very effective.
One of the most famous and affordable recipes -compress with black tea. You can just brew tea in a bag, cool it a bit and apply a packet to the affected area. You can brew very strong tea in a kettle and moisten cotton wool - and also keep it on the lip.
Healing plants such as aloe and calanchoe findquite simply - their juice can also lubricate the affected skin, or make compresses - moisten with a liquid cotton wool or bandage and apply as often as possible to the lip. You can use it and inside - a teaspoon before eating.
It is believed that the raspberry branch, cleaned in a slurry, is very helpful in herpes rashes - this slurry needs to be lubricated by sores, and soon enough the effect will appear.
Decoction of various herbs in folk medicine is verypopular as a remedy for colds on the lip. For example, a decoction of celandine helps a lot - a tablespoon of this herb is brewed with a glass of boiling water, an hour later, the infusion is ready. They need to moisten cotton wool and as often as possible lubricate the place of rashes - in a couple of days, the situation will begin to improve.
You can cough cold fluids - in thatstage, when there were already bubbles filled with liquid. Tinctures cauterize them and promote faster healing - for example, you can use tincture of propolis or poplar buds, however, you need to be careful with them, if you overdo it, you risk burning your skin severely.
Among folk remedies for colds, there is aointment - in its composition honey, ash and garlic. Honey will need half a tablespoon, ashes - a teaspoon, garlic - 3 denticles, which you need to pass through the crush. Carefully mix all the ingredients and the resulting paste grease the affected area on the lip.
You can safely use for the treatment of essentialoils - if the lip just started to itch and slightly swelled, then the melissa oil will work fine. In the same case, if there are already bubbles with liquid, then choose fir oil, the effect from it is manifested rather quickly.
It is very important to remember that any of these productscan become for you a strong allergen, so try to choose those in whose safety for your body you are sure. In addition, none of these tools will not help with the first application - any ointment or compress should be used several times a day for at least 4-5 days. Pay attention to your diet and health promotion - the stronger your immunity, the less often you will remember about herpes.