Heel spurs: treatment with folk remedies

Heel spur is an inflammatory process in the softtissues on the heel, caused by the formation of a built-up pike-shaped form on the calcaneus. This disease is a consequence of deeper problems with health, such as metabolic disorders, rheumatism, overweight, flat feet and others. The disease is often observed in middle-aged and elderly women, perhaps this is due to their wearing of uncomfortable model shoes.

Symptoms of the calcaneal spur:

  • sharp pains in the heel without preliminary injuries and bruises;

  • painful sensations when walking.

Heel spurs: treatment with folk remedies

Diagnosis can be performed by a surgeonpalpation and radiography. In the treatment of this disease, folk remedies for the heel spur are the most productive. The most popular and effective ones are discussed in this article later. But with the appearance of heel pain, treatment should begin with changing shoes to a more comfortable and comfortable for your feet. Do not create even greater pressure and strain on the affected area in the pursuit of trends. A sensible foot massage is also recommended, which can easily be done barefoot walking on special massage mats, sand or even cereals.

Heel spurs: treatment with folk remedies

Treating the calcaneal spur folk remedies:

  • insole for shoes of round peas - anotherfolk method of treatment of the calcaneal spur. Hard peas are stitched in a layer of insole for home shoes and are worn for several hours daily until the pain stops;

  • compresses on the basis of pharmacy turpentine with the addition of essential oils at night. The course of treatment is 10 days;

  • in the treatment of spur folk remedies isto allocate a special place to a mud cure. This method is used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, thanks to it, a positive result is achieved in the full or partial recovery of the patient. Its effectiveness and effectiveness has been proved by years of practice of using mud applications for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and even paralysis. No exception and spurs. Dirt has a beneficial effect on soft tissues and blood vessels, softens cartilaginous growths, removes slags and stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Among other things, it has an excellent massage and scrubbing effect;

  • application of urinotherapy in the treatment of spur on the heel. Folk remedies do not surprise anyone, but among them there are unpleasant procedures, such as urine compresses and foot baths. It is recommended to apply warm urine in the form of compresses for the night or in the form of foot baths. Course - 15 days;

  • Compresses from raw grated potatoes for seven days for 2 hours;

  • Various compresses from medicinal herbs will relieve painin the heel. Treatment with folk remedies based on herbal compresses from nettle, lilac, elderberry, plantain contains several features. In preparing the solution for compress, medical alcohol is used, during the procedure the feet should be warm, the course lasts at least 10 days;

  • massage heels with rollers or solid woodballs. When massaging, apply little pressure to the spur area. The massage should be long enough, minimum 40 minutes. After lubricating the legs with cream with propolis extract and keep them warm.

Heel spurs: treatment with folk remedies

Mass inconvenience and suffering delivers heelspur. Treatment with folk remedies helps to get rid of the hated illness for several procedures. But in cases with particularly acute pain and the inability to step on the leg, the treatment of the spur by folk remedies should be postponed and turned to a specialist. Since in especially neglected cases, the solution of the problem is only surgical intervention.

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