What is lupus? Symptoms and causes of the disease

Doctors usually explain what is lupus,using a special terminology and a simple person to understand the whole danger of the disease is quite difficult. But if you talk about it in a more accessible language, then it will look like this. The immune system of a sick person begins to perceive cells of his own organism as alien and struggles with them. In this case, special substances are developed in the human body, which gradually damage all tissues and organs without exception. From systemic lupus erythematosus, mostly young girls and women suffer.

The first signs of the disease can manifest as early as 15 years, and they will have to struggle with them all their life. This disease is not curable, but with the constant intake of special hormones, the periods of remission can be increased.

Causes of the disease

Scientists have not been able to determine exactly whatlies the main cause of the disease. The main thing that it was possible to establish is that the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is inherited. However, this does not mean at all that if a mother suffers from this disease, her daughter will also fall ill. You just need to be more attentive to your health, and pay attention to the first signs and symptoms to make the treatment more successful.

Most likely, the cause of the disease lies in thethe transfer of a serious infectious disease, which, together with defects in immunity, causes lupus. In addition, cases of the onset of SLE after severe labor, abortion, severe emotional shocks and excessive sun exposure were reported. High likelihood of getting sick also in those who are allergic to medicines or food.

Main symptoms

To determine the beginning of the onset of lupus in time and take appropriate measures, you need to know its main features.

What is lupus? Symptoms and causes of the disease

  1. Rash or redness on the nose and cheeks. Still it is called "butterfly" because of its specific location, as shown in the photo above.

  2. Red spots in the decollete zone, which become only brighter with prolonged exposure to sun or frost, and also because of a surge of emotions.

  3. Lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. There may appear foci of inflammation according to the type of stomatitis.

  4. An increase in body temperature, and it can not be reduced even by taking a course of antibiotics.

  5. Signs of arthritis, with the defeat of even small joints of hands and feet.

  6. Cervical and axillary lymph nodes can increase.

  7. Patients quickly and unreasonably lose weight.

In the future, the disease occurs with periods of intensification of symptoms. Each new relapse entails the defeat of more and more new tissues and organs.

To start the right treatment and how you canlonger to maintain the body in order, you must always consult a doctor. The diagnosis "Systemic lupus erythematosus" can be put by a rheumatologist after studying the symptoms and a number of tests. After all, the doctor should not only accurately determine the presence of this serious disease in the patient, but also determine what damage the SLE has done to the body.

What is lupus? Symptoms and causes of the disease

To do this, most commonly prescribed a general blood testand urine, a blood test for lupus erythematosus, make an ultrasound of the heart and a lung X-ray. In the future, patients have to be examined regularly by a doctor, and constantly take complex treatment.

In the treatment most often usedanti-inflammatory hormonal drugs. With particularly active resistance of the immune system, immunosuppressants are also used. But in this case, the negative reaction of the organism is not excluded, therefore this course of treatment is carried out only under the constant supervision of the doctor.

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