Nutrition by blood type
It is known that our health is influenced by ourheredity. But how great is this influence? American doctor Peter D "Adamo, for example, is sure that the blood group of a person is related to his health and predisposition to certain diseases. blood grouping.
It is believed that blood groups appearedgradually, with a change in the conditions of human habitation. At first there was only the first group, then the second group appeared, followed by the third and, finally, the fourth. Food by blood group is based on the fact that a person should consume those foods that were in the diet of his ancestors with the corresponding blood group. It heals the body and contributes to the normalization of weight, and "alien" products, on the contrary, can be harmful.
So, people with the first group are "hunters", the basis of their diet should be animalsproteins (lean meat and fish - salmon, pike, cod). From products of vegetable origin, you can walnuts, pumpkin seeds, figs, beets, olive oil. They need to limit the consumption of any dairy products, as well as bread and pasta. Unnecessarily fatty meat, potatoes, many fruits and berries (citrus fruits, strawberries), avocados, olives, peanut and corn oil.
People with a second blood group - "farmers". They, on the contrary, are advised to eat vegetarian food: cereals, fruits and vegetables. You can consume beans, in moderate quantities - seafood. It is better to use vegetable oil. But dairy products "farmers" learn badly. Meat from the diet is better to exclude altogether: the organism of "farmers" for meat is poorly adapted. If for "hunters" meat serves as a source of energy, then in people with a second blood group it turns into fatty deposits.
Holders of the third blood group - "nomads". Their body is not so fastidious in terms of nutrition,especially useful for them dairy products. Also it is necessary to include in the diet fish, from meat - rabbit and lamb, olive and flaxseed oil, oatmeal and rice cereals. But other types of meat, some seafood, tomatoes and pomegranates, corn and sunflower oils, buckwheat to use them undesirable. As you can see, in the case of the third blood group, much depends not on the category of the food product, but on the specific product.
The fourth group is the youngest, its owners D "Adamo called"new people"(In the original, the enigma is a mystery). The basis of their diet should be dairy products (low-fat), as well as low-fat meat (lamb, turkey), fruits and vegetables. Fish (mackerel and cod), oatmeal, pineapples, and wheat bread will also benefit. It is undesirable for them to use certain types of meat (duck and beef) and fish (salmon and flounder), olive oil, whole milk, beans, buckwheat and some other products.
Food by blood group is used as a basis for diets for weight loss. For each blood group, there is a list of products that help reduce or weight gain. For example, red meat contributes to weight loss in "hunters" and "nomads", but at the same time serves as a source of excess weight for "farmers" and "new people."
Please note that food by blood group is not recognized as a confirmed scientific theory. Specificity of metabolism of a specific persondepends on a large number of hereditary factors, and reduce everything to the blood group - this is a rather crude generalization. Features of the digestive tract and the immune system of each of us are due to different causes, and the blood group is far from the most important of them.
Therefore, you do not need to take food by groupblood as the only true guide to action. If you have the first group, but you can not tolerate meat and eat it "once a year for great holidays," why should you torment yourself and eat meat "through I can not"? If you still decide to eat on the blood group, be sure to consult a nutritionist and (or) therapist.
People with chronic diseases, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and elderly people are not recommended to eat blood group! Remember - you are responsible for your health, so with the slightest indication that the diet that corresponds to your blood group does not go to you for the future, it is better to return to the usual diet.