Grass, a medicinal herring: photo, application, recipes
Sturgeon is a herbaceous plant belonging toto the Cabbage family. It is perennial, the height of which varies from thirty to eighty centimeters. Begins flowering of the rape in the spring - at the end of the season. As for her young leaves, they are distinguished by a burning taste. Thanks to a pleasant smell, they can be used not only in the field of traditional medicine, but also in cooking.
Sturgeon - medicinal herb and raw materials for honey
In addition to the fact that rape is very widely usedin medicine, it is used in other industries. So, people engaged in the production of honey, argue that this medicinal plant comes out excellent honey. At the same time, the production of bakery products, as well as confectionery products, uses quality oil extracted from seeds of the rape. As for the medical industry, here it is a question of traditional medicine, since the traditional one does not use this medicinal plant as part of medications.
Where does the rape grow?
It grows in the territory of Europe,Russia, Japan, Australia, North America and New Zealand. Therefore, experts call it a "cosmopolitan plant". Usually it is found in the forest, near water bodies, near roads, in thickets of various bushes. Sometimes this representative of the medicinal flora can find a place even near garbage dumps.
What are the healing characteristics of the plant?
Sturgeon can help in the following cases:
with chronic fatigue (or, as they say scientifically: asthenic syndrome);
during shortages in the body of vitamins of group C;
when the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted;
if normal sexual activity is reduced.
As for the nervous disorders, here the citrateis an adjuvant even in the therapy of paralysis and epilepsy. And although she, of course, is not able to cope with such serious ailments, a certain beneficial effect, yet, the plant renders.
Dosage forms
If we talk about those parts of the plant that are widely used in folk medicine, then this:
young swirls;
Harvesting occurs during the flowering period, and the collected and dried grass can be stored for no more than one year. From it is prepared the infusion, which exerts on the human body the effect of such a plan:
To prepare the infusion, we need:
dry the grass;
crush it;
dilute one tablespoon of the ground chopped rape with a glass of boiling water;
to insist for several hours;
strain with gauze (the material must be folded before it, so that its thickness is in a couple of layers);
add drinking water (the volume must eventually come out first).
After all the stages passed, the infusion can beuse. He drinks four times a day twenty minutes before you start eating. At a time you need to drink a quarter of a glass. This infusion helps:
in the process of sperm production;
in cases where sexual activity is decreased;
if you have suffered neurasthenia;
when there is general weakness;
with such diseases as dropsy, stroke, epilepsy, scurvy and paralysis.
If you complain about the general weakness, then here comes tea from rape, which will give new strength.
People who are well versed in folk recipes,know that the rape can be used not only by itself, but also by combination with other plants - St. John's wort, sage, nettle. It is necessary to combine everything so that the proportions are equal. When you mixed these plants, pour the resulting mixture (a tablespoon) with boiling water (one glass). It must be infused for forty minutes, after which it must be filtered. Drink twice a day (half the glass). The medication should be taken twenty minutes before the start of the meal. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.
If you want to try for medicinal purposesrape, there is good news: there are practically no contraindications for its use. Caution with it should only behave to those who have increased bleeding. Do not get carried away with it when you have stones in your bladder and kidneys. In other cases, you can be treated without worrying.