Essential oil of bergamotEssential oil of bergamot is primarily known for the fact that itUsed to flavor tea (for example, one of the most famous varieties of flavored tea Earl Gray). However, bergamot oil has many other uses due to its beneficial properties.

Bergamot (orange-bergamot) is a citrus plant, a hybrid of citron and orange. His homeland is Southeast Asia,but the first to cultivate bergamot began in the Italian city of Bergamo, due to which he received the name (at least, so says one version).

Essential oil of bergamot is extracted from the leaves, flowers and rind of mature bergamot fruits by the method of cold pressing. It is a mobile yellow-green liquid with a bitter taste and fresh, astringent smell of bergamot fruit.

Bergamot oil is widely used inmedicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology. Like other essential oils, it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antifungal action. therefore Bergamot oil is used to treat skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, pustules, acne, seborrhea, herpes, skin irritation), as well as stomatitis.

Also, bergamot oil has antipyretic, expectorant and analgesic effect, so it is used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (angina, bronchitis, inflammation of the nasal sinuses and nasopharynx).

Useful properties of bergamot oil also include antispasmodic, antioxidant, choleretic, carminative, antihelminthic. List of diseases for which treatment can beuse this essential oil, includes functional disorders of the digestive tract (loss of appetite, stomach pain, intestinal colic), cystitis, sexual disorders, varicose veins.

In aromatherapy, bergamot oil is used to combat neuroses, depression, stress, anxiety: its aroma has an antidepressant and soothing effect. Also bergamot oil is considered an aphrodisiac, stimulating sexual activity.

In cosmetology bergamot essential oil is used mainly for the care of oily and combination skin: it normalizes the activity of sweat and sebaceousglands, narrows the pores, relieves inflammation, and also helps to lighten the skin. You can also use this oil for hair care, it strengthens them and helps fight dandruff.

It is important to remember that bergamot oil, like other citrus essential oils, has photosensitizing effect, that is, increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. In the production of cosmetics, this property of bergamot oil is used in the manufacture of sunblock.

However, it is not recommended to add this essential oil to tanning agents yourself: there is a risk of earning photoallergies or sunburn. For the same reason Do not be exposed to direct sunlight after applying bergamot oil to the skin.

How and in what doses is bergamot oil used? Here is the list of major ways of using bergamot oil:

  • in aromatic lamps: 3-7 cells per 15 sq. m. m of the room;

  • in aroma: 1-2 k.

  • in aroma varieties: 3-5 kg ​​per emulsifier (cream, milk, sea salt, etc.);

  • for inhalations: 1-5 k.

  • for the enrichment of cosmetic products: 1-3 k. per 10 ml of the base;

  • for massage: 2-5 cells per 10 ml. transport oil;

  • for rinses: 3 in. per 1 tbsp. water;

  • for cold compresses: 10 k. per 1 tbsp. water.

In aromatherapy bergamot essential oil is often used in combination with other essential oils, especially well it is combined with oils of rosewood, eucalyptus, chamomile, geranium, patchouli, palmarosa, neroli, juniper, marjoram, lemon, lavender, coriander, cypress, ylang-ylang, jasmine.

Do not forget that bergamot oil has its contraindications. You can not use it for individual intolerance, and the use of this oil is not recommended for children, pregnant women and epileptics.

Essential oil of bergamot
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