Grapefruit essential oil
The use of grapefruit is largely due to the high content of essential oil in it. Grapefruit essential oil has a lot of useful properties, so it is actively used in folk medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology.

Grapefruit oil is a light and fluid liquid of a yellowish hue with a fresh, cold, tender fragrance with a touch of bitterness. Useful properties of this essential oil include stimulating, tonic, antiseptic, etc. Perhaps both external and internal use of grapefruit oil, depending on your goals.

Grapefruit oil is a wonderful antidepressant. It improves mood and gives vivacity, helps to get rid of anger and overcome stress. It can be used to get rid ofmorning drowsiness and increased mental activity. So during the sessions and deadlines it would be nice to "plant" on your desktop a scoop and a bottle of grapefruit oil.

Grapefruit oil is used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. So, Grapefruit oil positively affects the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections. It has diuretic and choleretic properties, which helps improve the performance of the gallbladder and liver.

Also, grapefruit oil has a good effect on the digestive system, eliminating the feeling of heaviness after eating. It is used for the treatment of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, the fight against insomnia and migraines that arise on the nerves.

Grapefruit oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is used for skin, hair and body care. Best of all, this essential oil is suitable for oily skin care. It regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleans and narrows the pores, relieves inflammation, and it can also be used to lighten the skin. This oil is also advised for use with oily scalp.

Well proven this essential oil in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks and excess weight. In this case, it is used for massages, wraps, compresses, aroma baths, scrubs home cooking.

How to use grapefruit essential oil?
For an aromatherapy session, five to seven dropsoil on the aroma-lamp, add two or three drops to the aroma- medalon. For a better effect, you can combine it with other essential oils. Grapefruit oil is well combined with all citrus and spicy oils, as well as with oils of geranium, cypress, neroli, chamomile, rosewood, rose, incense, lavender, cedar, ylang-ylang and jasmine.

For adoption aromatic bath enough 4-6 drops of oil. As the oil does not dissolve in water, an emulsifier will be needed, in the role of which sea salt, honey, milk or cream may perform. For of massage use 4-6 drops of grapefruit oil per 15 grams of transport. For enrichment of cosmetics (shower gels, lotions, tonics, creams, rinses, shampoos) add 5 drops of grapefruit oil for every 15 g of cosmetic.

Note that grapefruit oil has its contraindications. Individual intolerance can be absolutely on any oil, so Before use, always apply oil to a small area of ​​the skin and check the reaction. Easy pricking and burning for 2-3 minutes is normal, but if it does not pass after this time, it is better to stop using oil.

Do not apply oil to the skin before going outside
- like all citrus oils, it hasphototoxic action, i.e., increases the susceptibility of the skin to ultraviolet light. After applying grapefruit oil, you need at least an hour not to go out in the sun.

In some diseases, grapefruit essential oil is taken orally. It is very important to know the rules of reception in order to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa. This oil is never taken in pure form or on an empty stomach. For reception it is mixed with jam, honey orvegetable oil and washed down with a lot of water, and when heartburn occurs - natural yogurt or kefir. Do not take more than three drops of oil a day.

Grapefruit essential oil
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