Useful properties of mangoes
Juicy and fragrant mango fruits are not only very tasty, but also very useful for our body. And not only ripe mango fruits, but even green, still immature, are useful. What are the useful properties of mangoes?
In immature mango in large quantities contain starch, pectin and carboxylic acids (oxalic, malic, lemon, amber). But green mango fruits represent a special value due to the high content of vitamin C, they contain it even twice as much as in lime. There are in them and other vitamins (A, B1, B2, PP), as well as iron.
Green mango fruits help fight the problems of the digestive tract: they normalize the work of the intestine and serve as a preventive maintenance of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stagnation of bile. Also, the use of green mango, especially in combination with honey, has a beneficial effect on the liver.
But do not get carried away: if you eat more than one or two unripe fruits a day, all the useful properties of the mango will come to naught. Abuse of green fruit can lead to colic, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and throat, constipation, intestinal distress, allergic reaction.
So it's better not to risk eating green fruits, but to pay attention to the useful properties of mango ripe. In ripe mango fruits, many carbohydrates (maltose, glucose, sucrose), formed from the very starch, which is so rich in green fruit.
And mango contains many useful vitamins and microelements: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 (folic acidacid), C, E, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium. By the way, thanks to the high content of vitamins and carbohydrates, mango fruits are used for weight loss - they are based on the so-called mango-milk diet.
The diet of this diet is simple: It is necessary to eat ripe mango fruits, drinking them with plenty of milk. For 3-4 kilograms of mango fruits should be 4-5 liters of milk. Of course, this does not mean that you need to eat 3 kilograms of mango a day, just observe this proportion - 1 to 1.25. The idea is that Mango is rich in carbohydrates and vitamins, and milk is protein, so the diet is more or less balanced.
But with the diet you need to be careful: excessive consumption of ripe mango can lead to constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as provoke an allergic reaction. So that before you sit down on this diet (like any other), you need to consult a doctor.
100 g of mango provide 46% of the daily requirement of the body in vitamin C. Therefore regular consumption of ripe fruits will help you strengthen immunity and protect yourself from seasonal colds. But the amount of vitamin C depends on the type of mango, as well as on the conditions under which the fruits were grown.
In many respects, the useful properties of mangoes are associated with high content of vitamin A in it. Everyone knows the beneficial effects of thisvitamin on the organs of vision, so mango can be a good help in the treatment of night blindness, dryness of the cornea and other eye diseases. By the way, it is precisely the high content of carotenoids that the mango pulp owes its intense yellow or yellow-orange coloration.
Fresh mango fruits, like green, have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract: these useful properties of mangoes are stored outsidedepending on the degree of ripeness, although they are more pronounced in green fruits. This is due to the fibrous structure of the pulp of mango, which favorably affects the process of digestion. Mango is good for the cardiovascular system.
Despite all the useful properties of mangoes, Use this exotic fruit to eat with caution: mango - a fairly strong allergen, a reaction towhich can manifest as hives or fever. In addition, the mango is not categorically combined with alcohol. So you should eat these fruits in moderation.