Avocado oil: useful properties

Vegetable oils are sources of useful masssubstances, so you must include them in your diet. We are accustomed to using sunflower oil in cooking, slightly more rarely olive and corn. But there are a lot of other useful vegetable oils that you can eat, for example, avocado oil.
Oily flesh of ripe avocado fruits containsa lot of fat (up to 30 grams of fat per 100 g of pulp). No wonder the Aztecs called this fruit "auacatl", which in translation means "forest oil". Avocado oil is obtained by cold pressing from the dried fruit pulp. It has a thick consistency, a dark green color and a peculiar nutty flavor and flavor. Under the influence of sunlight shade of oilbecomes brown. If the color of the oil is light yellow, this means that it is refined. Note that refining "kills" part of the nutrients contained in the oil.
Avocado oil is rich in vitamins, micro- and macro elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Of the vitamins can be called A, B1, B2, D, E, K andPP (B3), from micro- and macro elements - zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium, etc. Vitamin E in avocado oil is five times higher than in olive oil. This vitamin is a powerful natural antioxidant that slows the aging of cells. And vitamins of group B are useful for the nervous system, so that taking avocado oil will help to restore working capacity, cheer up, cope with insomnia.
With regard to fatty acids, in avocado oil it is possiblefind oleic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitoleic and stearic acids. These acids take a significant part in biological processes, and our body is unable to synthesize them independently. Therefore, it is very important to obtain essential fatty acids with food, in particular vegetable oils. Avocado oil contains a complex of unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F), and in the oil of avocado it is three times more than in the notorious fish oil.
Avocado oil is rarely used for cookingfood as well as, say, sunflower or olive (although in vegetarian cuisine it is a full-fledged food product). Natural avocado oil can simply be taken inside without adding to any dishes. Twice or thrice a day, drink a teaspoon of oil forty minutes before eating. The course lasts 20-30 days, then it is advisable to take a break. You can repeat the course four times a year.
If the prospect of taking oil does not seem too tempting to you, you can include in your diet avocado fruit. They are considered a dietary product, howeverenergy value is superior to meat and eggs due to high content of unsaturated fats, which, as we have already said, are not only not harmful to the body, but also useful.
Avocado oil will help improve memory, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is also beneficial for the liver. Avocado fruits can be eaten by pregnant women andsmall children, they are not contraindicated in gastritis and diabetes. Avocado oil in folk medicine is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
Due to the wound-healing properties, which the oil from the fruits of avocado is due to the high content of vitamin E, it can be used externally for the treatment of skin diseases and skin lesions, as well as as a tanning agent that will protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Avocado oil is very popular in cosmetology, it is used to care for the skin and hair. Since this oil refers to base oils, it can be used in its pure form or as a base for home masks, creams and other home-made cosmetics, as well as for the enrichment of finished cosmetic products (10 drops of avocado oil are added to 10 g of the cosmetic product).
Despite the fact that the oil from the fruits of avocados has no contraindications to the use, before taking it it is still advisable to consult a doctor, just to be safe.