Sandalwood oilSandalwood oil began to be used in antiquity, when it was used to treat certain diseases. And even now sandalwood oil is in great demand in cosmetology. Pleasant aroma and medicinal properties are so well combined in this oil that those who want to purchase this product every day become more and more.

With the increase in demand for sandalwood oil, the price of bottles with a product also increases. Obtain a real sandalwood oil from wood trees that grow in India and on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Used to produce oil only Santal white (Santalum album). For the production of oil cut down 30-year-old trees. In this case, not only the age of the tree itself is taken into account, but also the color of the wood. Light wood produces much less oil than from dark wood.

On Santal white are like other trees thatgrow in South America, Australia and Africa. Of these trees also extract essential oil, but here it is worth considering that this product though has a similar flavor, but it differs from the present sandalwood oil with its chemical composition and poorly expressed medicinal properties.

Sandalwood oil: Properties

The main properties of sandalwood oil are used in cosmetology and for the treatment of various diseases. In cosmetology sandalwood oil used to make products from wrinkles. Note that this essential oil is much bettercopes with small wrinkles, than any other. Sandalwood oil is also used to combat acne. Having a gentle effect on the skin, sandalwood oil kills bacteria.

Also sandalwood oil is often used in perfumery. It is added to various compositions to give them a slight hint of eastern flavors.

Of the healing properties of sandalwood in the first place bactericidal and anti-inflammatory actions. Effectively apply sandalwood oil attreatment of colds. Well, the oil copes with infections of the upper respiratory tract, while it acts as an excellent expectorant. With chronic bronchitis, you can also use sandalwood oil.

The bactericidal property of sandalwood oil has been used for a very long time. Previously, using a sandalwood oil treated various venereal diseases. Now, sandalwood oil is also often used to treat infections of the urinary system. By the way, sandalwood oil also has another, no less important property: it acts like an aphrodisiac.

Its pleasant aroma sandalwood calms the nervous system, improves sleep, normalizes the heart rhythm. That is why in aromatherapy sandalwood oil is frequently used to combat depression, irritability and insomnia.

Sandalwood oil: application

You can use the essential oil inside. With bronchitis, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea it is recommended to drink 2-3 drops of oil with a teaspoon of honey.

But still more often this oil is used to prepare at home various means for skin care of the face, nails and hair. Add only 10 drops to the shampoo and you will see how improve the condition of your hair. By the way, you will also get rid of problems with dandruff.

Use sandalwood oil can as a massage oil. For 10 ml of any vegetable oil, take 8-10 drops of sandalwood. This massage oil is good for use with acne and unclean skin. Also massage with such oil will strengthen sexual desire.

We offer to make based on sandalwood oil for facial skin care. For dry and normal skin, prepare such a mixture: 1 tsp. almond oil, avocado oil and kukui, 1/2 tsp. olive oil, jojoba, evening primrose, 2 drops of sandalwood and patchouli oil, 3 drops of lavender and palmarose oils.

For mixed and oily skin of the face, this mixture: for 1 tsp. of hazelnut oil, take 1/2 tsp. grape seed oil, 1 drop of sandalwood oil and 2 drops of geranium oil.

Mix the above oils in a bottle of dark glass. Insist the mixture for 3 days. Apply 2-3 drops of the mixture to a clean, slightly moist skin in the mornings and evenings. After 15 minutes, the rest of the oil can get wet with a napkin.

Remember that Sandalwood oil can cause an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance. Therefore, before using any product with this essential oil, be sure to check if you are allergic to the remedy.

Sandalwood oil
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