How to eat avocados correctly: recipes
Avocado is an agricultural crop thatwidely known in the tropics and subtropics. In appearance, it is a roundish fruit that can grow to large sizes, sometimes 20 cm in length. Inside the avocado is a large bone surrounded by oily greenish flesh. The skin of the fruit is thin, dark green in color. To taste, avocado resembles a mixture of butter and nuts. The uniqueness of this fruit is that it contains a lot of fats, unlike other fruits and berries, rich in carbohydrates.
Avocado Composition
In the flesh of the fruit avocado contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. This fruit has the following composition:
vitamins (K, C, B, E, A, including folic and pantothenic acids);
phosphorus and other useful components.
The energy value of 100 g of avocado is 160 kcal. The composition of the fetus includes:
9 googlevods (7 of them are dietary fiber);
2 gplels;
15 gzhirov, useful for the human body.
The total absence of cholesterol allows the use of avocado fruit for weight loss.
Useful properties of avocado
Avocado is useful for those who suffercardiovascular diseases, as well as who has high cholesterol in their blood. The fruit does not contain a lot of sugar, so it is suitable for people with diabetes. Due to the large potassium content, the avocado positively affects the nervous system. Folic acid, part of the flesh of the fetus, benefits, strengthening immunity and restoring the emotional background. Vitamins A and E contribute to the improvement of the skin condition. Oleic acid, which is also found in the fruit of avocado, accelerates the metabolism in the human body.
The avocado pulp includes a large number of B vitamins, due to which, in particular, useful properties are manifested:
B1 - inhibits the formation of fats;
B4 - improves sleep and reduces irritability;
B2 - converts carbohydrates into useful energy;
B5 - restores the digestive system;
В6 - allows fats to be better assimilated.
How is avocado raw?
Were you going to try the avocado in raw form? Let's understand in order how to do it correctly.
Choose an avocado
First, it should be noted that it is important to correctlychoose a fruit, because it depends on the pleasure derived from its use. The unripe fruit has not the most pleasant taste. Maturity is reached, the avocado pulp feels like butter to the touch. Ripe fruit is easy to determine by the color of the peel: it is dark green, almost black in color. If you press on it, there is a dent, but at the same time the pulp does not dangle inside and the fruit is not too soft. However, it should not be hard either: this indicates an insufficient degree of maturity. In food, only the avocado pulp is used, the stone and skin are discarded.
Clean the avocado
Before deciding how to properly eat avocados inraw, it is necessary to clean it. For this, the fruit is cut around to the bone, it should not be cut. Then you need to scroll both halves of the fruit in opposite directions. As a result, one of them will separate from the stone.
Eat Avocado
In its raw form, avocados can be eaten in many ways. In the first case, it is enough to take a spoon and scrape it out the flesh from the rind. It can be pre-kneaded and seasoned with black pepper, salt, olive oil, lemon juice, seasonings. Everyone can find the right taste for himself.
Another way to use avocado in its raw form- Scrape the flesh out of the rind, knead it with a fork. As in the previous case, you can add pepper and other condiments, olive oil. Then the paste from raw avocado should be smeared on bread and enjoy a wonderful taste.
It is not necessary to knead the pulp, you can cut it into slices, previously rid of the peel, and lay on the bread. It turns out unusual sandwiches with an amazing taste.
Interesting! Avocado is the ideal fruit for the followers of raw food. It has not only an amazing taste, but also many useful substances. It is a nutritious fruit that enriches the body with valuable vitamins and fats. Due to the high enough caloric content, the avocado in its raw form will completely replace one of the meals, it will be suitable for the replacement of eggs or meat.
Recipes of avocado
Some believe that it is more correct to eat avocados inraw form. In their opinion, so you can fully experience the taste and aroma of the fruit. In addition, it is more useful to use this fruit than after heat treatment, since all vitamins and other useful components are stored in it. However, some people disagree with this. It's not for nothing that there are a lot of recipes with avocados. This fruit is a part of salads, soups, sauces and other dishes.
Seafood salad and avocado
To prepare a seafood salad, the following ingredients will be required:
canned squid - half a can;
avocados - 1 piece;
shrimp - 250 g;
cucumber - 1 piece;
To prepare a dish, you need to do the following:
Fruit avocado peel, remove the stone, grind in the form of cubes.
Cucumbers and squids are cut into cubes.
Prawns boil, and then clean and grind.
Cut the olives into circles.
All the ingredients of the salad are mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise.
Get a dish with excellent taste. There is such a salad useful, because it contains vitamins. It is worth noting that the avocado in this case does not undergo thermal treatment and is used in raw form, therefore all valuable components are stored in it.
Salad of chicken and avocado
For the preparation of chicken salad will need the following products:
chicken breast in boiled form - 300 g;
avocados - 1 piece;
lettuce - 1 pc .;
lemon juice, salt, olive oil.
The process of preparing the salad is as follows:
The fruit must be cleaned, cut, remove the stone and peel, pulp to grind in the form of small cubes. Then they need to be sprinkled with lemon juice, so as not to darken.
Salad lettuce should be washed, dried and placed in a refrigerator for a few minutes. This will make its leaves crispy.
Boiled chicken fillet should be crushed with cubes.
Torn leaves of the salad are laid out on a plate, on top are slices of avocado. The dish must be salted and seasoned with vegetable oil. The chicken filet is laid out on top.
If you do everything right, the salad will taste good. Mix the ingredients of the dish before serving.
Avocado sauce
In addition to salads, the avocado produces a sauce with a wonderful and memorable taste. To prepare it you will need the following:
avocados - 2 pieces;
fresh tomato - 1 pc .;
chili pepper - 1 pc .;
onion - half of the head;
lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
crushed cilantro, salt.
To prepare the sauce, you need to perform the following actions:
Peel the fruit of the avocado, mash the mash into a smoothie. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
Pepper chili without seeds chop.
Peel onion and chop in a blender.
Mix all the products in a separate dish, add salt, add coriander. Tomato grind with a skin and add to the sauce. Mix.
Thus, from the fruit of avocado are obtainedwonderful dishes. Only a few recipes have been described above. In fact, there are many more. From this fruit, you can prepare food for adults and children. Avocado is suitable for salads, soups, sauces and other dishes, successfully combining with almost all products.
Video: how is avocado right?
Many ask the question: how correctly to eat avocado? The answer to it is contained in the following video.
Before you try the fruit of an avocado, you need to know how to properly clean it. How to do it, clearly presented in the video.
A snack with a sandwich consisting of a slice of black bread and a mashed potatoes of raw avocado pulp is not only delicious, but also useful.