Mosquito bite

Begins an unpleasant season, when Mosquito bite brings a monstrous discomfort. Unfortunately, the mosquito bite may not be as safe as it seems at first glance. Do not expect that mosquito remedies can protect you 100%. A mosquito is a cunning insect that can manage to bite if it really wants, so let's talk about how to prevent complications after a mosquito bite.
To begin with, remember: mosquito bite does not need to scratch. Combing the bite site, you run the risk ofinfection. In addition, some people are allergic to bites. It manifests itself in different ways: someone has painful "bumps" in the body, someone has an unpleasant red rash that looks like the initial stage of psoriasis and terrifies many. Allergy sufferers need to be cautious with various preparations from mosquito bites, because in some cases there can be a very unanticipated reaction. Physicians are even advised to donate blood for analysis before using drugs.
Some believe that mosquito bites are not worth as much attention and anxiety, as described in medical reference books and articles. In vain, because bite is, first of all, damage to the outer skin of the skin. Despite the fact that it is small and, often,inconspicuous, inconvenience delivers a lot. Remember just how the body begins almost scabies, which adversely affects not only the skin, but also the nervous system.
The itch of mosquito bite to remove, in fact, very easy. Be patient and do not scrub the bite. When you have the opportunity to provide medical assistance, dilute a half teaspoon of baking soda in water and attach to the wound a compress of this solution. If there is ammonia, this is even better. Equal proportion of ammonia and water, in the form of compresses, can soothe the itch in a fairly short time. A good juice and garlic helps with bite.
Perfectly removes itching juice of citrus, solution of potassium permanganate and zelenka. If you got a bite in the country, use the leaves of bird cherry or mint if possible. They are also good at biting. You need to stretch the leaves to make the juice appear, and attach it to the bite.
It's bad if you are bitten by a malarial mosquito. He looks, unlike the usual, muchMore in size, his legs are longer, and on the wings are dark spots. In that case, immediately contact the infectious disease department, because a malarial mosquito can infect a serious infection.
There are many means against mosquito bites. There is such a drug-accessory as a bracelet BUGSLOCK against mosquito bites. It is enough to put it on your hand and it will protect against mosquitoes for almost two weeks. Do not just wet it in the water.
There is a whole series of drugs that can prevent mosquito bites, and provide first aid: Zanzarin, Autan, Gardner bebi, Off, Off for children, Akomarin, colorless fukortsin, Boro plus, psyclengham, malavit gel, gel komareks, fenistil gel, gel of gel from bites, good old balm "Vietnamese starlet", apis 30, Panthenol . Just be careful: children can not use all the drugs. Ask the pharmacists and doctors before doing home treatment.
In this way, the bite of a mosquito, as you can see, can bring enough inconvenience. But prevention and timely providedMedical assistance can prevent infection and complications. Be always on the alert and do not self-medicate if you are not sure of the diagnosis and the degree of bite.