How to increase appetite

Loss of appetite is not such a rare problem. Someone sits on diets, in every possible way limiting themselves in food, but there are people who would be happy to eat and gain weight, that's just not coming out - there is no appetite. How to increase appetite?
To begin with, one important truth must be learned: good (but not excessive) appetite - a sign of normal health, lack of appetite - a sign that health is not all right. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of a number of diseases, some of them are quite serious. therefore if you have wondered how to increase your appetite, you first need to visit a doctor.
To increase appetite, you need to establish the root cause of its violation. If the cause is serious, the doctor should appointtreatment of the corresponding disease. If you do not have special health problems, and loss of appetite is associated with an incorrect day regimen and stress, it is possible to increase your appetite at home.
First, review your diet. Usually it is advised to eat often, but in small portions. If you have not eaten for a long time, and then attackedfood, a subsequent sensation of heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion for a long time will stop you from hunting to eat. And when the appetite still appears, everything will happen again. Therefore, it is better to eat often, but slightly.
At the same time the food should be regular and full: if the body is used to what you eat at the same time, then the appetite will also come "on schedule". Try to avoid all snacks andsnacks: they do not help to normally get enough, but the appetite at the same time spoils. It is desirable to read the meal with a salad of fresh vegetables, which activates the work of the stomach.
To raise appetite helps beautiful decoration of dishes. Beautifully designed and served food seemstastier, and it's not about self-hypnosis. At the sight of beautiful dishes, we are drooling, and literally: aesthetically attractive food provokes salivation, as a result, the food is digested much better. And the production of gastric juice stimulates seasonings and spices. But do not abuse them, everything is good in moderation.
Often loss of appetite is associated with dehydration of the body. therefore to increase appetite, you must drink several glasses of water a day. Tea and coffee are not considered, drink water! By the way, caffeinated beverages are one of the reasons for the decrease in appetite, so you should drink coffee and tea at the end of the meal, and not in front of it.
In many countries it is customary to serve before meals Aperitif drinks that help increase appetite and improve digestion. Aperitifs can be non-alcoholic(mineral water, acidic fruit juices), but they are usually associated with alcoholic beverages. As an aperitif can serve, say, vermouth, rakiyu, port, etc. Well stimulate the appetite bitter tinctures, for example, Becherovka KV 15.
Of course, you can not abuse alcoholic aperitifs. It will be enough to have 50-100 g of a weak aperitif for 15-20 minutes before a meal, all that is more is already too much. If you do not want to drink alcohol, replace it with non-alcoholic aperitifs or infusions and herbal decoctions.
Peppermint, dill, chamomile and melissa stimulate appetite, you can drink broths of these herbs for half an hour before meals. Ginger tea has a similar effect. Also, wormwood, yarrow, chicory, horseradish, dandelion, toothache, parsnip, mustard, air, gentian, black currant, plantain help to increase appetite.
You can, for example, try a collection compiled byfrom the grass of wormwood (1 part), willow bark of white (0.5 part), dandelion grass (1 part) and yarrow herb (1 part). A tablespoon of the collection is poured into a half cup of boiling water. Insist half an hour, strain and drink half a glass of infusion for 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. Please note that the effect will not be instantaneous: the increase in appetite will be gradual.
Also To increase appetite will help to reject bad habits, active lifestyle and observance of the correct regime of the day. Sometimes the appetite decreases from the lack of vitamins and minerals, so you can drink a multivitamin complex (after consulting a doctor).
Note that if you can not increase your appetite, and the loss of appetite is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible!