How to reduce your appetite?

All those kilograms that women drop on diets, sooner or later again come back. So you have to fumble yourself again with a diet to restore the former harmony of the figure. But it turns out, to be always skinny, do not necessarily fumble yourself with diets. It is enough only to monitor your dietand never overeat, so you should always control your appetite. One power of thought is indispensable here, and we have to resort to various tricks that can help every woman.
How to reduce appetite: herbs
To lower your appetite, You can resort to folk remedies that will not be harmful and will help you control the feeling of hunger. You can drink herbal teas that dropappetite. The effect of the herbs is directed to the fact that their extract envelops the walls of the stomach, which gives a feeling of satiety. Herbs that reduce appetite are sold in any pharmacy, so finding them will not be difficult for you.
Flax seeds are rich in proteins, vitamin A, carbohydrates, fatty oil and organic acids that show therapeutic effects. But you can ask how to reduce your appetite withtheir help? The fact is that when soaking the flax seeds, mucus is released in large amounts, which is the main active agent. This mucus envelops the walls of the stomach, which eliminates the feeling of hunger. You can also drink small amounts of linseed oil. But do not forget that linseed oil has a laxative effect. If too long to take it, the body will decrease the content of minerals.
Althey is also known for his enveloping action, it is not without reason that it is used to treat gastric diseases. To lose weight and reduce appetite enveloping properties of the althea can also be used.
Herbs that reduce appetite can be used in the complex. You can brew teas, which include various ingredients. So, to compose a tea mixture you can use fennel, hawthorn, dandelion roots, nettle leaves, alfalfa, burdock roots, buckthorn bark, chamomile.
How to reduce appetite: products
Reduce appetite not only helps herbs, but also certain foods. Of course, one should not only eat foods that reduce appetite, but also refrain from eating, which causes a feeling of hunger.
To start Try to use as little salt, spices and seasonings as possible for cooking. All spices irritate the walls of the stomach and lead to the release of gastric juice in large quantities. Accordingly, you will eat more, because the feeling of hunger does not go away.
To reduce appetite any products that contain glucose will help you. The feeling of hunger appears because of the lowering of the levelsugar in the blood. Therefore, you can reduce your appetite with products that contain glucose. It should immediately be said that do not even think about all sorts of cakes and cakes. They are not helping you in this matter, because the feeling of hunger will be eliminated only for a while. How to reduce the appetite in this case and raise the blood sugar level? Everything is very simple. Eat more sweet fruit. In addition to fruits, you can eat dried fruits: prunes, figs and dried apricots. But do not be too zealous with figs and prunes, because they are very caloric.
Good black chocolate will also help you reduce appetite and eliminate hunger. Only two or three pieces will be enough. But just remember that this property is only bitter black chocolate. Milk chocolate, by contrast, increases appetite.
To reduce your appetite, you can consume plenty of fluids. So, you can drink ordinary water or teas. Remember that water should be still and unsweetened. You can also drink natural non-acidic juices.