Why does a person lose weight for no apparent reason?

About 40% of the adult population of the Earthconscious life is at war with being overweight. It's a matter of honor, so to speak. And there are people who are forced to decide how to gain weight by gaining weight, due to rapid weight loss. Sharply thinner person, who undertook more than one attempt to return to his former form, begins to worry about his health in earnest. "Why I lose weight for no reason" is a rather incorrect formulation of the question. The reason for what is happening may not be obvious, but, nevertheless, it is always there. A fast-losing person should find the "beginning" of a problem that is surely hidden in the body, and then look for a diet to regain the former weight.

Weight loss and age of a person

Scientifically proven that a man grows thin fasterwomen. So the organism of a strong half of mankind is arranged - it was originally designed for heavy loads, so accelerated metabolism "burns" the weight very quickly. If the energy expenditure of a person (men or women - anyway) is not proportional to his weight loss, the cause may be a disease not yet diagnosed. You need to immediately consult a doctor when a person "melts" before your eyes, despite a good appetite.

Why does a person lose weight for no apparent reason?

In elderly people, age-related metabolic disorderssubstances can cause not only strong weight loss, but also rapid weight gain. When asked why the adolescents lose weight in normal nutrition without any reason, it is even easier to respond. If an adult has a good appetite, a healthy appearance and there are no complaints, rapid weight loss can be associated with the physiological characteristics of the growing body. And weight loss is not always evenly: for example, you can first stretch out and lose weight hands and feet, then the face will shrink and the volume in the body will decrease.

What diseases make us lose weight

There are many physical illnesses and mentalstates that contribute to rapid weight loss. Some of them, unfortunately, are so serious that in their treatment some recipes of traditional medicine can not be avoided. Let's look at some of them.

Why does a person lose weight for no apparent reason?

General classification of diseases that provoke weight loss

  1. Diseases associated with loss of appetite, whenwhich the body does not receive in full the vitamin and mineral complexes and nutrients it needs. Such diseases include chronic pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, stomach cancer and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Also in this group is anorexia - a disease of mental origin.

  2. Diseases that disrupt the metabolism, which makes it impossible to accumulate nutrients in the body. This, for example, diabetes, celiac disease, helminthic invasions.

  3. Diseases that "eat" the entire life energy of a person. These include spastic paralysis, oncology, thyrotoxicosis.

  4. Nervous exhaustion of the body, chronicpsychogenic stress. The answer to the common question "Why are you losing weight when you are nervous?" Is obvious. All energy resources are spent on solving complex problems, and even the appetite due to stress disappears. All often nervous people, as a rule, do not differ in magnificent forms.

  5. Recovery period after a complex injury or illness. Few people, after protracted serious illnesses, have a rested, blooming appearance. Weight in this situation is declining.

Some examples of diseases that cause weight loss

Why does a person lose weight for no apparent reason?

  1. Why grow thin with diabetes? It is the fault of the specificity of the pathology, and the kilograms go only with type 1 diabetes: the disease interferes with the absorption of glucose by the cells of the body. Therefore, despite a great appetite, slimming diabetics are constantly feeling hungry.

  2. A rapidly losing weight person may be sick with pulmonary tuberculosis. The person has no appetite, he quickly gets tired, coughs and sweats.

  3. People with thyrotoxicosis also complain aboutRapid weight loss. The disease upsets and speeds up the metabolism, causes the body to produce more hormones than necessary. A person does not sleep well and is in constant nervous excitement. He eats a lot, but can not get a gram.

  4. Probably everyone knows why they grow thin with cancer, becausein most cases, oncology does not leave a patient any chance! Malignant tumors absorb from the blood all the glucose without a residue, so in the last stages of the disease the body is in a state of severe exhaustion.

    Why does a person lose weight for no apparent reason?

Appeared to the doctor thin with no visiblecauses the person, of course, is doing the right thing. If nothing hurts, but the weight "burns", you can not entertain yourself with the hope that nothing terrible is happening. Sudden weight loss can only be the first symptom of a serious illness. The earlier the "enemy" will be calculated, the more likely that victory will be yours!

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