Convulsions during pregnancy

The most common cause of seizures in pregnant women is the lack of certain trace elements and vitamins, for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and alsovitamin B6. This drawback may be a consequence of the increased need for microelements during pregnancy, vomiting in toxicosis (with it the body loses trace elements), unbalanced nutrition, uncontrolled use of diuretics for fighting swelling.
Also, seizures during pregnancy can bea sign of a lowered level of hemoglobin (anemia), lowering of glucose level, developing varicose veins. In addition, seizures in pregnant women may be a sign of more serious diseases and complications of pregnancy, so If there is a seizure, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor!
To begin with, consult an obstetrician-gynecologist who leads your pregnancy, and he can, if necessary, prescribe testsand refer you to a specialist. If serious diseases causing seizures during pregnancy are excluded, the doctor will give general recommendations that will help to reduce unpleasant manifestations.
At first, Pregnant women need to wear comfortable shoes on a low (4-5 cm) stable heel. It will also be very useful to massage the feet using a special rubber massage mat or using a ball to be rolled with your feet.
Secondly, nutrition during pregnancy should be regular and balanced. It is better to eat often, but slightly. Be sure to include in the diet of complex carbohydrates (porridge, products of wholemeal, fruits and vegetables). They protect from sudden changes in blood sugar. Also need to include in the diet products rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium.
If necessary, the doctor can appoint preparations containing certain vitamins and minerals. But to abuse vitamin complexes for pregnant women and to buy them without the recommendation of a doctor is not recommended, because the excess of vitamins and minerals can also be harmful to health.
For prevention of veins refrain from standing on the spot, and if you still have, for example, to stand in line for a long time, from time to time roll from the heel to the toe or stand on your toes to normalize the circulation in the calf muscles.
At home it is useful from time to time rest, and it is easy to massage the calf muscles. You can do simple exercises (for example, rotate the ankles) to improve blood circulation in the muscles. Useful moderate exercise, say, walking in the fresh air.
But what if the spasms of pregnancy caught you off guard? How to provide first aid? If the cramp has brought down a leg, when you stood, you need to sit or at least rest on something, and bend your leg in the knee. And if you can lie down, lie down and bend your leg.
Try to pull the muscle that cramped, while you need to try to relax andto breathe deeply. If the spasm is in the calf muscle, pull your toes, then relax and pull again. When the muscle relaxes, gently, quickly and intensively massage it from the periphery to the center.
After that, be like to activate the blood circulation. And then recommend to lie down with one's feet up. You can make a warm compress on your leg. But with warm baths, which are one of the well-known remedies for seizures, you need to be cautious: if convulsions during pregnancy are caused by the expansion of veins, a hot bath can only do much harm.
Convulsions during pregnancy are not a reason for panic, but you can not ignore this problem: any problems with your mother's health can then "turn up" for her child. therefore if you are suffering from leg cramps during pregnancy, be sure to see a doctor.