Magne B6 in pregnancy
When a child is in the womb of a mother, the bodya woman actively provides it with everything necessary for proper growth and development. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is very important not to lack vitamins and various nutrients, they should be missed not only by the fetus, but also by the mother. In this article, we'll talk about the Magne B6 drug complex, combining elements such as magnesium and vitamin B6.
The value of magne B6 for pregnant women
Magnesium is one of the most important and necessarymicroelements not only for women in the situation, but for all people. He participates in no less than 200 biochemical reactions of the human body, regulates the work of the nervous and muscular systems, helps maintain the correct metabolism.
During pregnancy, the need for magnesiumincreases several times, because the future mother needs to provide this trace element not only herself, but her child. Since it is rather difficult to get this substance in the right amount from food products, it is possible to fill its deficiency with the help of Magne B6. In addition to magnesium, this complex also contains vitamin B6, which promotes the good assimilation of the microelement by the body of the pregnant woman.
Indications for use
As already mentioned, the role of magnesium in human health can not be overestimated. Its deficiency affects the work of almost all systems and organs, which leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:
arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart pain;
decrease or increase in blood pressure;
dizziness and headaches;
nervousness, bad sleep;
disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
spasms in the muscles, involuntary contractions of the musculature of the uterus;
edema, decreased body temperature, chills.
In case the pregnant woman suffers from somethingabove, she needs to talk about this at a regular consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will send the patient to the laboratory tests and if the cause of the ailments is called the lack of magnesium, the doctor will prescribe the woman a drug Magne B6.
In some cases, a specialist may go the other way and prescribe a trial course of taking the medicine. In the event that the symptoms go to waste, the complex will need to be drunk entirely.
Dosage Magne B6 for pregnant women
The correct amount in each individualthe case can be selected only by a doctor, but the following recommendations are prescribed in the instructions for the drug: for prevention or at the initial stages of treatment, 2 tablets should be taken 3 times a day, at approximately equal intervals. You can appoint Magne B6 any week of pregnancy.
If the magnesium deficiency is accompanied by a significantdeterioration of state of health, then on the basis of a laboratory blood test the doctor himself regulates the dose of the medicine for the patient. The duration of treatment is at least a month, and as a maximum - the entire period of bearing the child.
Contraindications to taking the drug
Like any other drug, Magne B6 has a number of contraindications. These include:
renal insufficiency of the patient;
allergy to fructose;
intolerance of certain components that make up this drug.
Side effects
As a rule, a correctly prescribed dosage withtaking into account all the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman should not lead to the appearance of side effects. But in some cases, however, the following rare occurrences may occur:
nausea and vomiting;
stool disorder;
pain in the abdomen;
allergic manifestations.
If such symptoms appear, the drug should be temporarily discontinued and consult a doctor.