Lack of magnesium in the body
Magnesium is one of the most important elements for the body, because it participates in the synthesis of protein and ATP (an energy source for the body cells), and is also necessary for the assimilation of calcium. Lack of magnesium in the body can "hiccup" a lot of unpleasant symptoms, from insomnia and to seizures.

The lack of magnesium is a fairly common problem, because this macronutrient is not that much in everyday food. Also, the body's need for magnesium can increase under the influence of various factors, which are primarily physical and mental stress (and who of us is not stressed?).

Also a lack of magnesium can be observed in those cases when Magnesium for some reason is excreted from the body. Excretion of magnesium and other macro- and microelements is enhanced by sweating, using diuretics and laxatives, alcohol.

The lack of magnesium can manifest itself as a whole "bouquet" of different symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is chronic fatigue and insomnia. Also a lack of magnesium can lead toproblems with bones and joints (osteoporosis, arthritis), migraines, muscle spasms and spasms, constipation, cardiac arrhythmia. The notorious premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can manifest itself more strongly if a woman lacks magnesium.

The lack of magnesium can be replenished if included in the diet products rich in this macroelement. Also it is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the assimilation of magnesium and its combination with other substances, because sometimes it happens that magnesium with food in the body is enough, but it is not digested.

So, magnesium a lot in cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat), beans(beans, peas, lentils) and nuts (cedar, almond, walnut), pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, bran. Also, magnesium is in rye bread and bread with bran.

Do not forget about vegetables, fruits and greens. Especially a lot of magnesium in parsley, spinach andother vegetable greens. Also, magnesium is found in apples, figs, grapefruits, pumpkin, white grapes - they also have magnesium. From vegetables magnesium is rich in garlic and cabbage.

Also with a deficiency of magnesium will help fight medicinal plants: aloe vera and nettles (in the form of syrups and tinctures), rose hips, a decoction of the fruits of aronia, which you can drink instead of tea.

To the magnesium normally absorbed and retained in the cells, the body needs vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): a deficiency of this vitamin can provoke a lack of magnesium. Its a lot in nuts, sprouted grains, many vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, cereals, legumes, meat and dairy products.

It is most convenient, of course, to "kill two birds with one stone" with one shot "and lean on those products that simultaneously contain both magnesium and vitamin B6. Such products include walnuts, spinach, white cabbage, cereals and legumes.

Also it is worth remembering that Magnesium in the body is closely related to potassium. Therefore, the lack of magnesium is often accompanied by a lack of potassium, so you need to monitor that in your diet there are foods that are rich in both these macronutrients.

Excess protein and calcium interferes with the absorption of magnesium, so you do not need to abuse food richprotein and / or calcium. If the maximum daily dose of protein and calcium is exceeded, magnesium will be worse absorbed by the body, even if it comes in sufficient quantities.

However, it is worth remembering that You can not diagnose magnesium deficiency yourself: all of the above health problems can be a consequence of not only a lack of magnesium, but also a number of other reasons. And excess magnesium can be just as harmful to the body as its deficiency.

Therefore, if you are concerned about your health, first you need to see a doctor, which will accurately determine what is wrong with you, and prescribe a treatment. It is not necessary without the appointment of a doctor to take vitamin-mineral complexes alone and generally engage in self-medication.

Lack of magnesium in the body
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