Body pump

Strength training may not be as boring as it seems at first glance. But for this you need to visit not the usual rocking chair of a fitness club, but a class body pump. What is a body pump? - you ask. These are classes for active and energetic people who simply do not want to work with simulators.

In the west, the body pump is one of the most popularfitness programs. It involves performing a set of exercises in the style of aerobics using a lightweight bar. Such a mini bar can weigh from 2 to 20 kg, and it is covered with a soft shell, which is more pleasant to the touch than a cold metal.

Per hour of class are worked out, strengthened and brought to toneall the muscles of the body. In training, you will be charged with a special aggressive drive and will get much more results and pleasure than with the traditional monotonous lifting of weights. With the help of training you can form an excellent muscle corset, get a beautiful body by building muscle mass and correcting the deficiencies.

Also training improves coordination of movements, train the feelingbalance, develop endurance and perfectly burn fat. Body pump suits both men and women, regardless of age. But the level of training here has its value, and it is recommended that physically trained people practice this type of training. Contraindications for training are varicose veins, joint injuries and problems with the spine. In case of serious illness, you should always consult a doctor.

This fitness program is a a kind of alloy of power and aerobic training. On the one hand, there is the bar itself - the element of the gym. On the other hand, classes take place in a group, with music. And work is done on each group of muscles in turn, as in the lessons on the shaping system, aerobics. But here instead of dance elements included various presses, slopes and sit-ups.

As in any other training, here mandatory element - a 15-minute warm-up, which helps warm up and stretch the body forupcoming exercises. The main part of the lesson is built according to the following principle: first, large groups of muscles are being worked out - hips and buttocks, back, chest. After that - the transition to smaller groups: biceps, triceps, deltoid. Final chord - exercises for the press.

Training with the bar pass with pauses and hindrances, in which the coach is very clear and intelligibleexplains what and how to do, shows himself, listens to all questions. Exercise is carried out within 3-4 minutes, after that the stretched stretch of the body for 1.5 minutes.

If you first came to the body pump class and are afraid that you can not cope with the huge heavy barbell, the coach will calm you down. After all will begin to deal only with the bar from the bar without "pancakes". Ahead of your question "But how do I pump up the muscles?", Recall that the load should increase gradually. You still have time to feel yourself a proud pumping, which raises the weight, almost equal to your own. But at the initial stage it is useless.

In training, you will not be bored. Classes in a team of like-minded peoplevigorous musical accompaniment and every minute encouragement of the coach are much more fun and faster than usual. It would also be good to alternate strength training with cardio-loads. You can simultaneously engage in swimming or aqua-aerobics, cycling in order to get better results for your body.

Body pump
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