Hangover Remedies

What is a hangover?
The hangover is the body's reaction to an excess of alcohol in the blood. The organism tries as soon as possible from itto get rid of. This leads to dehydration and lack of salt. As a result, there are many familiar symptoms: headache, nausea, pain throughout the body, vomiting, thirst, chills, palpitations and general malaise.
If you drink properly and only occasionally, you are not afraid of a hangover. And here overdose of alcohol probably cause a hangover, especially if youyou will drink it on an empty stomach and / or not having a snack. Also, a hangover is fraught with the use of alcoholic drinks of poor quality and the wrong combination of different alcoholic beverages.
Are there Universal means for hangover? Unfortunately no. The organism of each of us has its own individual characteristics, and therefore we go out of the hangover differently. However, we still recommend the most common means for a hangover.
Drugs for a hangover
First of all, soluble effervescent tablets from a hangover - they really help to remove the majoritysigns of hangover syndrome. Other drugs for a hangover act locally, removing specific symptoms. If you are all right with the stomach, intestines and heart, you can take two tablets aspirin. Headache will remove citramone - Take two tablets after meals.
If a hangover is accompanied by problems with the stomach (nausea, vomiting), help Activated carbon (about 6 tablets, traditionally advised to take 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). You can also take loperamide (loperamide hydrochloride) or but-shpu. The balance of electrolytes will restore 2-3 tablets asparcuma or panangina (in fact, this is the same drug). The general state of the nervous system will improve glycine.
Remember that drugs for hangoversIt should be taken with caution, so as not to overload the body with an excess of medications. Taking medicines should be combined with drinking a lot of water to restore the balance of fluid in the body. If you do not want to drink medicine, or if the effect is not significant, try folk remedies for a hangover.
People's remedies for a hangover
People's money from a hangover, in fact, performthe same functions as the medicinal ones - restore the balance of liquid and electrolytes in the body, soothe the stomach and relieve the headache. To restore the fluid balance, you need to drink plenty of mineral water (preferably alkaline) or herbal tea. Especially useful in this case are broths and tinctures of peppermint, chamomile and ginger. Sugar in this case it is better to replace honey. To calm the stomach and to bake the digestion, eat chicken broth or light rice soup.
A good remedy for a hangover is tomato juice or sauce. It contains fructose, which helps fasterremove alcohol from the body. One way to relieve the hangover syndrome is to add a raw egg yolk to the glass of tomato juice and, without stirring, to drink. You can also make a cocktail of yolk and tomato sauce. To do this, grease the glass with vegetable oil and mix in it 1 raw yolk, 2 tsp. tomato sauce, a little lemon juice, salt, red and black pepper. A cocktail needs to be drunk quickly. In principle, you can do only yolk with salt and pepper.
Such folk remedies as sauerkraut and brine, help restore electrolyte balanceorganism. The same effect is possessed by sea kale and a solution of table salt (30-40 g per 1 liter of water). To make up for the lack of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, you need to eat dried apricots, fish and seafood. Sour-milk products will help calm the stomach.
And do not forget to give your body a rest - you will be helped long sleep and fresh air. Do not interfere with a leisurely walk, but excessive physical activity you are contraindicated.
We wish you happy New Year holidays - but without a hangover!