Alcohol and blood vesselsAlcoholic drinks contain not only alcohol, butand other substances, therefore it is necessary to consider their double effect on the body - at the expense of the alcohol itself and those substances that they contain. What to drink - beer, cognac or wine? And maybe, to refuse from both, and from another, and from the third?

The myth that alcohol lowers blood pressure

Often even doctors advise hypertensive patients to lowerpressure with a glass of cognac or other strong alcoholic beverage. Indeed, in a small amount of alcohol weaken the tone of the vascular wall, thereby expanding the vessels. But at the same time it also increases the heart rate. And blood pressure directly depends on the volume of blood pushed into the bloodstream. The higher the volume, the higher the pressure. Therefore, a positive influence is immediately neutralized by a negative one. And if the first and second glasses follow the second and the third, then the negative effect is much stronger. The fact is that alcohol is circulated in the blood for 5-7 hours, and all this time the heart works in an unfavorable regime: the pulse increases to 100 beats per minute, the metabolism and the nutrition of the heart muscle are disturbed in the body. Alcohol disrupts blood circulation in the skin capillaries - these small sosudums contract and burst (remember the red nose of drunkards), so the heart is poorly supplied with blood and undergoes oxygen starvation. As a result of the systematic use of spirits in the heart muscle, excess fat accumulates, it degenerates, becomes flabby and gets worse from work.

The result is premature atherosclerosis and hypertension.

In addition to alcohol, many spirits contain biologically active substances, which in themselves can increase blood pressure.

Why there was a myth that alcohol in moderatedoses is useful? It is confirmed by studies of scientists who have found that people who drink moderately suffer from infarctions and vascular diseases less often. But there was an explanation for this too. Drinking a glass of cognac in the company of good friends, a person gets emotional discharge and relieves stress, which has a beneficial effect on his body as a whole and the vessels in particular. Alcohol itself has nothing to do with it. It is those people for whom alcohol is not the main source of pleasure, but only accompanies a pleasant conversation, receive the greatest benefit from it.


  1. Strong alcohol-containing beverages can not be a medicine even in small quantities.

  2. A moderate dose of alcohol per day is allowed - not more than 20 g.

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