Green tea: good and bad

Green tea is very popular among fans of this drink, because it contains a number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The composition of green tea includes a large number of microelements, organic compounds and almost all groups of vitamins. Thanks to this, green tea is very useful.
The composition of green tea includes theine, which gives vivacity. Theine is the same caffeine that is presentin the coffee. In tea, caffeine is present not in its pure form, but in its associated with tannin, which is why it is called theine. The action of theine is akin to caffeine, but only it acts much softer, because it is absorbed into the blood for a longer time. Tein contributes to the surge of power, activates mental and physical activity. Tein strengthens the heart muscle, well affects the general condition of blood vessels and internal organs, improves oxygen exchange.
Due to the presence of certain macro- and microelements, green tea promotes the excretion of radionuclides and heavy metals from the body. Zinc, which is also found in tea, improvesthe state of hair, nails, increases the immune resistance of the body. Calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Green tea contains provitamin A, which improves vision and prevents the development of caries. Therefore, green tea can be given and smallchildren. But, of course, not in very large quantities. One cup per day will be enough. Vitamin C in green tea is four times more than in lemon. In addition, three cups of green tea contain a daily norm of vitamin PP.
It is proved that green tea interferes with the development of certain types of tumors. Also green tea reduces the likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis, brain blood clots and hypertension.
However, green tea can also harm the body. Therefore, it is worth considering that some people are better offrefrain from this drink. Pregnant women are advised to be excluded from the diet in general. And people who suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension can not drink strong green tea.
Do not also drink too much green tea, since too much thein leads to disturbances in heart rate and chronic fatigue. For the same reason, you should not drink tea after 6 pm. An invigorating drink can lead to sleep and fatigue disorders.
Green tea can not be drunk on an empty stomach, because it irritates the gastric mucosa. But if you drink it after eating, then in this way you can improve the digestion process, because the tea will "stimulate" the stomach to digest food.
Medicinal preparations and tablets can not be washed down with green tea. Since this drink has the propertyremove various toxins from the body, it will reduce the effect of pharmaceuticals and reduce it to almost zero. In no case should you mix tea with alcohol, if you do not want your kidneys to suffer. Also you can not drink green tea with milk. This is due to the fact that when these two drinks are mixed, specific chemical elements are formed that harm the body.
Do not get involved in green tea. Since it has a very strong effect on the nervoussystem, can simply develop dependence on it. Also, too much polyphenols, which protect the body from cancer, have a negative effect on liver function.
It is worth mentioning that green tea in bags does not have all of the listed miraculous properties. Therefore, it is better to chooselarge-leaf brewing. Choose only high-quality green tea. Benefit and harm are relative concepts. Each product is useful for certain properties, and in everything you can find something harmful.