How to get rid of nausea

Nausea is discomfort for the whole body. It occurs due to poisoning, pregnancy, alcohol overdose, diseases of the abdominal cavity. How to get rid of nausea? In fact, advice is enough, just worth ittake into account the cause of nausea. Not all methods of treatment are suitable, because nausea sometimes becomes the cause of some serious illness and folk methods can not help.

Sometimes nausea occurs due to inflammationappendicitis, and someone's wrong metabolism even contributes to the emergence of systematic vomiting. Sometimes the defeat of the central nervous system also causes nausea and dizziness. Inadequate acidity of gastric juice or disease of the blood vessels of the body can cause constant nausea. In this case, the legs are shaken and the hands are shaking, because the body is exhausted. How to get rid of nausea if you do not know the cause of its occurrence? Medical examination is simply necessary, because how to self-medicate sometimesdangerous. In some recipes of traditional medicine, a drug based on alcohol is offered. Such a medicine can be used only if the cause of nausea is an overdose of alcohol.

We offer several methods how to get rid of nausea.

1. Very good nausea helps ginger. You need to rub his root and brew. Let the liquid steep for 20 minutes, so that it is ready for use. This recipe is recommended for pregnant women. They can also use mint. Leaves of mint or melissa can be brewed or simply chewed. Everything in which there is a mint helps from nausea perfectly. Some even grab a peppermint essential oil to kill nausea.

2. Citrus help with nausea, but not always. Sometimes the lack of acidity of gastric juice leads to the fact that nausea becomes vomiting. This is caused by irritation of the walls of the stomach. Do not abuse citrus, if you have problems with the abdominal organs.

3. Fresh potato juice not bad coping with nausea. A half tablespoon of this juice will lead you into feelings.

4. If the cause of nausea - pain in the stomach, brew 1 teaspoon of dill seeds in a glass of water and drink in small sips.

5. Green tea Clears the body of toxins and helps with nausea.

6. If you need to induce vomiting after alcohol poisoning, drink socalled "soda": 1 teaspoon of soda to a glass of water. You can still drink vodka with salt, washed down with red orange juice. Special hangover pills also help a lot.

7. Do not eat vegetables with nausea. Cucumbers are very heavy for the stomach. Even a pickled cucumber is not always able to stop the nausea. But vomiting cucumbers cause very well. In this case, the radish helps. Of all the vegetables, he is the most suitable for getting rid of nausea. You need to use it with salt and bread.

How to get rid of nausea if you are already alltried, and you did not get better? Alas, and this happens, especially if there was a head injury. It is necessary to sleep, so that the brain calms down a little and rests from overexertion. After that, you need to eat something hot, but not fat.

With spontaneous nausea you can eat a salted rusk, dry salted fish, melted cheese or a slice of smoked sausage. It happens that from hunger, too, there is nausea.

How to get rid of nausea if there is nothing at hand? We need to calm down and ask someone for help. Do not be shy if you become unwell in public transport or in a large crowd of people. Everyone has a way to help you (the same cracker, pill or water). Fatigue can cause dizziness, pain in the heart and nausea. You can lose consciousness, completely exhausted, so be careful about your health and help yourself in time.

How to get rid of nausea
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