Basics of a healthy lifestyle
Basics of a healthy lifestyle should be established from a small age. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are a rejection of bad habits, a healthy diet, a balanced mode of exercise, and a productive work activity.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles - a complex of recreational activities,aimed at the development and strengthening of human health - made it a fashionable hobby for politicians and stars. Meanwhile, the basics of a healthy lifestyle need to know everyone who wants to spend less time and money on treating all sorts of diseases.

It has long been established that many health troubles could be avoided if in modern society there was culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Now smoke tobacco, and sometimes what?"More interesting", even school children can drink alcohol, not to mention older teens. And day by day grows a terrible statistics of childhood diseases, child mortality ...

Let's take a closer look at the basics of a healthy lifestyle, maybe you will find some tips useful.

Basics of a healthy image begin with personal hygiene. Personal hygiene includes caring for your ownbody, hygiene of clothes and shoes. Hygiene of the body, adults, of course, pay due attention, but little children, water procedures in the bathroom are not always to their liking.

Hygiene of clothes and shoes includes mandatory care of objectshis wardrobe, timely washing and cleaning clothes. The most hygienic clothes and shoes made of natural materials: linen, cotton, wool, leather. Such materials breathe, absorb moisture well.

The regime of the day from the point of view of a healthy lifestyle is also one of its main components. It is very important to comply with sleep, diet, working conditions. When violations of the regime there is fatigue, drowsiness, irritation.

So, a healthy lifestyle prescribes an adulta person sleeps for 6-8 hours a day. Do not significantly change this figure in one direction or another. When you do not sleep, the body does not have time to regain strength, and excess sleep makes a person sluggish, broken.

Non-compliance with diet often leads to problems with the digestive tract. For good work of the gastrointestinal tract food should come inthe body regularly, in small portions. If the stomach works "idle", then this has a very negative effect on its mucosa, and if it, on the contrary, is "stuffed to the top" - this increases the load on the pancreas and gall bladder.

Balanced physical activity is another important component of a healthy lifestyle culture. Absolutely without physical exertion the body "relaxes", the muscles atrophy and the person becomes more and more weak with time, can not "overload" the load.

therefore it is extremely important to regularly give your body the right load. Good in this exercise, exercise, morning exercises. A man whose muscles are in tonus, and feels better, and looks alert, fresh, fit.

The foundations of a healthy lifestyle should include not only physical, but also mental stress. A strong mind allows a person to remain active until old age.

Healthy rational nutrition is, of course, one of the most well-known components of a healthy lifestyle. Food hygiene prescribes to observe moderation in portions of food, do not increase and do not lower without the need for caloric intake.

So, a normal healthy adult needs about 2-2.5 thousand kilocalories a day. Getting these calories is best from products in which the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is balanced.

It should be remembered that a healthy imagelife and a healthy diet does not provide for a complete refusal to eat fat, carbohydrates. On the contrary, fats and carbohydrates should be consumed, because they are extremely important for the body. Another thing is how to use them.

In fried foods, foods cooked ina lot of fat, in confectionery, white bread, pasta from "soft" wheat, healthy fats and carbohydrates are very few. But a lot of trans-saturated lipids and simple carbohydrates, which lead to the deposition of excess fat in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, on the walls of blood vessels and organs.

Basics of a healthy lifestyle is important not only to know - it is also important to apply all these long-known rules in practice. The country of councils wishes health to you and your family!

Basics of a healthy lifestyle
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