Royal posture
What prevents the back from being perfectly smooth and beautiful? Of course, a sedentary lifestyle and an incorrect posture. Plus, the years spent at the school desk, except for the knowledge in the head, gave the majority a scoliosis in the spine. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in your own back!
First, check whether your posture is correct,with the help of familiar from childhood exercises. Stand with your back to the wall so that your nape, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch it. Now take a step forward, trying to maintain this position of the back. Count to 10, take a step back and check whether the same four points are pressed so against the wall. No? Then we offer you a set of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and straighten the spine.
Exercise 1. I. p. Legs shoulder width apart, hands stretched along the trunk, palms to the leg. Slowly bend over, try to reach the left leg with the left hand, but you can not bend your knees. Then just return slowly to the starting position. Then make the same slope to the other side. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times in each direction.
Exercise 2. I. p. Lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbows, palms turned down and parallel to the shoulders. Straighten your arms, lifting the upper part of the body, bending the spine and slightly tilting your head back. Hold in this position for 3 seconds, then go back to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
Exercise 3. Stand on your knees, lean against the floor with your hands,placing them on the width of the shoulders. Hands and thighs are located at right angles to the body. Knees slightly spread out. Inhale and raise your right arm forward - upwards, while simultaneously taking your left straight leg back - up (it turns out as if the diagonal). Return to the starting position. Then do the same with your left hand and your right foot. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
Exercise 4. I. p. Lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows on the floor, relax your hands, placing them on your shoulders, stretch your legs. Pull in the belly, so that a small space is formed between the navel and the floor. Place the chin on the floor so that your neck and spine form one line. Without hands, raise your chest and head as high as you can, your arms will also rise with your body. Hold for a few seconds until you feel tension in your lower back, and then slowly sink. Make 8-10 approaches.
Exercise 5. You will need dumbbells. Sit on a chair and lean forward - literally lay down on your knees. Lift the dumbbells to the sides of the 3 approaches 12 times.
Exercise 6. Follow the example of women of the East who wear weights on their heads. But, instead of a jug, take a better big book, for example, some, encyclopedia.
Exercise 7. I. p. Stand on your knees, bend your arms slightly in the elbows. In this position, alternately straighten and arch your back like a cat. Your movements should be uniform and rhythmic. Repeat 10 times. It is very important that the head during the exercise is on the same line with the spine. In the intervals between movements, try not to lift it.