What exercises can you do with protrusion of the spine?The intervertebral protrusion is the protrusion of the disk beyond the vertebral column without breaking the fibrous ring.

As a rule, protrusion is a consequence ofosteochondrosis, predicting the rapid formation of the intervertebral hernia. Treatment of this disease, first of all, is aimed at eliminating the cause of its occurrence, as well as on the removal of pain.

And one of the main conditions of therapy is therapeutic gymnastics. That is why in this article we will describe what physical exercises should be performed with protrusion.

Exercises with protrusions of the lumbar spine

So, the complex of exercises with protrusionslumbar spine is aimed at both treatment and prevention of the disease. It is designed for people who suffer from back pain caused by protrusion or hernia, for a long period of time. The purpose of the classes is training of the muscle tissues of the trunk, development and strengthening of the spinal column and its functions.

Exercise 1: Lie flat on your back, stretch your arms along the body, and bend your legs slightly. It is necessary not to delay breathing the muscles of the abdomen so that they become firm. It is possible to keep a hand on the abdomen for control. This exercise with protrusion of the spine in the lumbar region is performed 10 to 15 times. There is also an easier option - it's lying on your back stretching your legs to the right and left.

Exercise 2: We continue to lay on the back, arms stretched along the trunk, legs even. From the initial position, you should lift the upper part of the trunk, but at the same time keep your feet on the floor all the time. Save this position for 10 seconds, then slowly move the body to its original position. Break 5-10 seconds and the exercise for the back with protrusions is repeated again. So about 15 times.

Exercise 3: We lay flat on the back, legs slightly bent. The right hand should be pulled a little forward so that the hand is on the left knee. Bend the left leg, while at the same time, rest in the knee with your right hand, thereby not allowing your foot to approach the head.

This exercise with protrusion of discs is done withforce approx. 10 seconds. Rest - 15 seconds, then repeat another 5-10 times and so for the right and left hands. After such physical exertion, one does not get up at once, letting completely relax the muscles of the legs, arms and torso.

What exercises can you do with protrusion of the spine?

Exercises with protrusion of the cervical spine

The following exercises with protrusionscervical department should be performed with caution, especially in the acute course of the disease and only after the easing of pain. The goal of this therapeutic gymnastics is to restore the elasticity of the neck muscles and improve the mobility of the cervical vertebrae.

Also, we note that, together with these procedures, it is recommended to wear a special bandage for several days. It will provide a state of rest for the muscles and vertebrae of the neck.

Exercise 1: Sit on a chair (standing), stretch your arms along the body. In this initial position, begin turning the head to the extreme left and right position. Repeat 10 times. There is also a facilitated version of such an exercise, in which experts recommend doing a series of small movements in each direction.

Exercise 2: The starting position - sitting on a chair or standing, hands are along the trunk. Slowly lower your head down and press your chin to your chest (perform 14 times).

Exercise 3: The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Slowly throw your head back and at the same time pull your chin. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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