How to make a home solid perfume with bergamot
Solid perfumes, like any other, can be madeown hands. They are more convenient than a liquid perfume, they can be carried with oneself without fear of breaking a bottle, they are consumed much less, and beeswax gives the fragrance of firm house spirits steadfastness.
To independently make a home solid spirits, you will need:
- 1 tablespoon of beeswax;
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil;
- 10-15 drops of bergamot essential oil;
- 10-15 drops of cedar essential oil;
- 5-10 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang;
- water;
- pan;
- A bowl of heat-resistant material (glass or special thick plastic; be careful with enamel bowls);
- a plastic pipette;
- two containers for future perfume of 15 ml. each;
- self-adhesive label paper (if you want).
How to choose a container:
Solid perfume is usually stored in small flatjars, similar to those in which usually sell flat "floating" candles, only with thicker walls. Small glass jars with a tightly screwed lid are also suitable - the main thing is that the container is not high and narrow, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use perfume. Plain plastic does not work - the perfume is poured into the container still hot, it can melt. Special containers that meet all the requirements are sold in the shops for a hobby, but you can also use packages from other cosmetics or small empty glass jars from the portioned jam. Do not forget to sterilize them. In this master class, two containers are indicated - because the total mass of the resulting spirits will be approximately 30 ml.
Here are bergamot, ylang-ylang and cedar inas three essential oils, but you can choose your own combination. Remember that the oils should be three, in terms of the number of stages of smell - the perfume smells differently on the skin, depending on how long it has been applied.
This item is for those who make a lot of solidspirits and does not want to constantly confuse containers, as well as for those who simply love the order and beauty of the finished product. Take the usual self-adhesive paper, print out or just write the name of your perfume and three essential oils on it, and at the very end, glue it to the lid of the container. If these spirits become a gift, the label can be issued in the style of the holiday, to which the gift will be presented, or write a name on it, etc.
How to make a firm perfume:
- Step 1. The basis for perfume is to melt in a water bath. To do this, pour water about 4-5 cm from the bottom level into the pot and boil it.
- Step 2. While the water is on the stove, prepare the mixture with the wax. In a heat-resistant bowl, mix the wax and almond oil. It can be replaced with any other base oil, but if you decide to use a thicker (for example, shea butter), then take 2 tablespoons of this oil, and reduce the amount of wax to 1.2 tablespoons.
- Step 3. Put the bowl directly into the boiling water, making sure that it does not pour over the edge of the bowl. Reduce the temperature so that the wax begins to slowly melted. Stir the mixture.
- Step 4. Mix all the essential oils.
- Step 5. The base must completely melt; stir it again, then remove from the steam bath and drop by drop a mixture of oils. Stir the mixture after each drop.
- Step 6. Using a pipette, transfer the perfume into the containers. Act carefully, trying to keep the spirits evenly distributed.
- Step 7. Stick the labels on the lids of the containers, if you will, and leave the perfume to freeze without closing them. They should harden after a few hours.