Scented candles for comfort in the house
A house is not just a box with windows and doors,the house is a place for rest, there you can throw off the burden of daytime responsibility, remove fatigue, dispel anguish. The house is always warm and not only physically, it is not measured by the number of square meters, but only coziness and light.
Everything is important in it: lighting, furniture, decoration, lovely trinkets, but there is one thing that is often forgotten. We are talking about the smell ... It can be its own, native or alien, hostile; can adjust to a pacified mood, and can induce to action. Today we will teach you how to give your house a unique flavor of comfort with the help of aromatic candles, many of which can be made by hand.
A few words about aromatherapy
Aromatherapy, as is already clear fromname, is the art of curing various ailments with the help of the smell. The flesh does not have to be bodily, fatigue, melancholy and depression are no less dangerous. Since ancient times, essential oils derived from plants have been used in aromatherapy. They are non-toxic, have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, are very economical in use.
According to the teachings of feng shui, certain smells inhouse are able to concentrate positive energy, to harmonize the condition of its inhabitants. In the bedroom, fragrances should be adjusted for maximum relaxation, promote deep sleep and effective rest. To cope with this task will help ylang-ylang, rose and lavender. The living room is the place where the whole family gathers, where they welcome long-awaited guests. The atmosphere of hospitality, comfort and warmth reigns in this room, and creates its oils of lemongrass and lavender, rosewood and cedar, marasmus and grapefruit.
Kitchen - the realm of various smells, stimulatingappetite and lifting mood. Melissa and basil are bright and sharp, they cheer up and cheer up, cinnamon, lemon and coffee warm, create a holiday atmosphere. The male kingdom is an office. It is here that the head of the family can not only work efficiently, but also have a good rest. Let the office smell of ginger, fir or rose.
Why exactly scented candles?
Aromatherapy knows many ways to bring inhouse atmosphere of coziness: aroma lamps and special sticks, fragrant sachets and vases with flower petals, amulets with a smell. But the most popular deserved candles. Let's try to understand why? First, beautiful candles fit perfectly into the interior, becoming the final decorative touch.
Secondly, the amount of essential oil in themcontained optimally matched, perfume compositions are formed. Well, and thirdly, it's so nice to look at the spark of a candle, it is able to relieve stress and cheer up. and on a cold winter night is the best cure for depression. The main thing is to choose the fragrance for yourself. It should contain only natural ingredients, because synthetic perfume will give you only a headache.
If buying a fragrant candle is too expensivepleasure, or you can not pick up a bouquet to your liking, you can try to make a fragrance yourself. The easiest way is to add a few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. If you want to get your little masterpiece, it's worth a little work. You need wax. shape for a future candle, for example, a glass beaker, a wick and, of course, oils.
In a water bath, melt the wax, add to itcomposition and fill in the form, not forgetting to place the wick there. You can use food coloring, if you add it to the wax, then the candle will get the desired shade. Dried petals can also decorate your product. Remember that when working with oils, you must be careful and know the measure. To create a pleasant atmosphere, the following mixtures perfectly suits: 2 drops of lavender oil and the same amount of lemon, or 3 drops of lavender, 4 ylang-ylang, 2 drops of limetta. Remember that the amount of flavor depends on the volume of the future candle.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko