What to meet the New Year 2017 Cock - in what color, what attire to choose, options for zodiac signs (photo)

The question of what to celebrate the New Year 2017The rooster excites women's minds long before the onset of winter holidays. Whatever one may say, but to look flawless, refined, fashionable and what is called "by feng shui" I want all the ladies. True, it is worth noting that the choice of the most ideal New Year's dress is really difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. Judge for yourself: you need to choose an outfit that will correctly emphasize the figure, match the color and fashion shades of the season, help to look stylish and trendy. It is very desirable that the New Year's apparel be sustained in the color gamut of the coming year and not contradict the horoscope, or rather, the sign of the zodiac. Therefore, to choose what to meet the coming year, the task is really not simple. In our today's article, we tried to collect for you variants of styles, models and colors in which you can meet the Firecracker. We are sure that simple tips of stylists and astrologers, as well as a photo of a selection of trend outfits, will help you find your perfect New Year image!

What to see the New Year of the Firecracker in 2017, photos of dresses

The coming New Year 2017 will be held under thepatronage of the Fiery Red Rooster, which in many ways determines what it is best to meet. Firstly, the Rooster is a bright, ambitious and active bird with catchy plumage. Astrologers advise not to ignore this all known fact and give preference to the New Year's Eve with extraordinary and colorful outfits. Secondly, the image of the main symbol of the year does not differ restraint not only in the colors, but also in style. Therefore, you can safely experiment with forms and models, choosing even the shapes bordering on kitsch to meet the upcoming year 2017. But remember that such extraordinary decisions in choosing clothes may not be appropriate under certain circumstances. For example, if you are planning to meet the main night of the year at home, then give preference to more reserved and classic options in a bright color palette. And what to celebrate the New Year 2017 Fire Cocker at a friendly party and masquerade ball? That's right, in the original dress or suit of unusual cut and shade.

Thirdly, choosing clothes for the New Year's Eve, notforget about your appearance. It's not just about the features of the figure, but also about the color type. For example, women with closely-spaced capillaries on the face should not wear red and pink dresses. Despite the fact that these shades will be relevant for the Firecracker, they will emphasize the natural redness of the skin and give a painful look to its owner. And fourthly, when choosing a New Year's attire, you should carefully think over accessories, hair and makeup. Then the image will turn out harmonious and fashionable at the same time, and it will be possible to boldly meet the Fiery Cock.

What to celebrate the New Year with the signs of the zodiac - the options for flowers and styles on the photo

If you believe astrologers, then draw luck andwell-being in the coming year is not difficult. It is enough just to know what is the best way to meet the New Year of the Rooster with different signs of the zodiac, and also what colors and styles they should prefer. Scientifically proven, this approach, of course, is difficult to call. But do not forget that our confidence in your choice can do real miracles. In other words, if you believe that a red dress will give you happiness in the coming year of the Firecracker, then so be it.

Let's start with the current color scheme for the Newyear, because it is in many ways determines what to celebrate the night of the zodiac signs. As it is easy to guess, the key shade of 2017 will be red - the main color of the Firecracker symbol. To him will also join the following close shades: orange, yellow, gold, scarlet, bright pink, marsala. This is just an ideal color scheme, which is suitable for signs of Fire - Aries, Lions and Streltsov. Some examples of the above tones can also be used by representatives of the Earth's elements - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. True, they should give preference not to bright, but muted shades of red-orange scale, to meet the holiday in harmony.

Air Aquarius, Libra and Gemini will attractgood luck, if they meet New Year's Eve in a slightly diluted fire range. For example, in a dress of pastel soft red, reminiscent of one of the most trendy shades of the latest fashion collections - Peach Echo. In general, peach colors that go into coral and pink, will be the most successful for the representatives of the air element. They are perfect for meeting the New Year, and will not conflict with the soft essence of these zodiac signs.

But the watermarks - Scorpions, Pisces and Cancers,The fiery palette of the coming year is literally contraindicated. The red-yellow-orange scale conflicts with the calm and balanced character of the representatives of this sign. But this does not mean that they will not be lucky in the coming 2017. Together with the red shades, the Fire Rooster will bring some blue-green scales. Deep neon shades of blue, emerald, pistachio, turquoise will also be in trend. And they will ideally fit into the correct color wardrobe of the watermarks of the horoscope, in which you can meet the main holiday of the year. However, representatives of this element will be able to afford a few red accents on New Year's Eve. For example, coral shoes or orange manicure.

Which outfits will suit for the New Year of 2017 on the horoscope

Now we turn to the question of what is betterto celebrate the New Year with the signs of the zodiac - choosing the right styles and models. It should be noted that the recommendations of astrologers should not be fundamental in your choice of New Year attire. In what exactly to meet the upcoming 2017 you should decide, based on the features of the figure and taste preferences. But still, some general recommendations of astrologers should be listened to.

For example, representatives of the elements of Fire in thisNew Year's Eve can safely experiment with any textures, fabrics, styles and models. Their open and active nature should be emphasized by the same frank and bright outfits. It can be like long evening dresses with deep cutouts, and short mini skirts made of sequins or beads.

To give preference to more restrained, but at the same timeThe same time and original styles, meeting the New Year 2017, is worthy of the earth signs. For them, good options will be free styles and long models of dresses on the floor. Also Taurus, Capricorns and Virgos are suitable classic trouser suits of bright colors.

Air and water signs, so as not to conflictwith its calm nature, it is worth giving preference to the same simple and elegant outfits. For example, restrained dress-cases, A-shaped models, clothes with long arms and a high throat. Add brightness and extravagance to such a low-key New Year's image they will be able to with the help of original accessories. For example, neon boats, shiny clutches or unusual bonnets with feathers, which just like the feathered symbol of the year.

What to meet Fire Cock 2017 for men - ideas for New Year's clothes on photo

The question of what to celebrate the New Year 2017The rooster, not so painful for men, as for women. Few of the representatives of the strong half of humanity will reflect on whether his New Year attire corresponds to the horoscope and the sign of the zodiac. However, in some of the signs relating to what the firecracker meets in 2017, men believe. And, therefore, try at least approximately to match the successful image and advice of stylists. Next, you are waiting for several ideas of actual outfits for men, in which you can meet the New Year 2017.

So, one of the main attributes of the correctthe male image for the New Year party will be the color. Red, orange, yellow and their shades should certainly be present in the image. It can be a bright suit, shirt or trousers. Particularly conservative men, who prefer to even meet this merry holiday in a black classic suit, can choose a tie or even socks as such a bright color accent. Among the actual shades will be a rich blue, green, coral, brick, burgundy. As for the models, if possible, it is better to meet a festive night in simple shirts and trousers, and not in suits. You can also supplement the image with an original vest, a bright jacket in a cage, a hat.

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