When and where to grow white mushrooms: advice to novice mushroom pickers

Since ancient times the white mushroom (boletus) is known astastiest and most valuable of all those that can be collected in the forest. The size of his cap at the peak of maturation can reach within 7-30 cm, and sometimes more. It has a strong enough flesh, which is characterized by fleshiness. A characteristic feature for distinguishing a white fungus from similar to it poisonous is the absence of hue changes when it is cut.

When to collect white mushrooms in the forest?

In the temperate climatic zone of Russia, timeThe harvest of the mushrooms falls on the period from mid-June to the end of September, and in the warmer regions the first white mushrooms can be found from the end of May and almost to November. Depending on the weather, the dates may vary.

When and where to grow white mushrooms: advice to novice mushroom pickers

The interval from the second decade of August and the firstThe decade of September falls at the peak of the period of harvesting of mushrooms. Just at this time, there is a maximum influx of mushroom pickers, and, knowing the places where the white mushrooms grow, they bring home baskets full.

Maturation of the fungus occurs approximately infor 6-9 days, but weighs in at 150-200 grams, it reaches already after four days of growth, while the rest weighs no more than 80 grams. The growth rate of white fungi largely depends on growth medium - the more favorable conditions are, the correspondingly, they will grow faster. For example, in the summer, their growth will last about 5-8 days, in October they grow within 9-14 days. The period from the end of July to the end of September is the main season for them.

The ideal for the Borovikov is the weather at 15-18degrees of heat with little rain. It is then possible to go to the reconnaissance to find out if there are white mushrooms. With strong changes in the night and daytime temperature index and abundant precipitation, finding them will be more difficult, because such a climate for them is not very favorable.

Where do the white mushrooms grow in the forest?

When and where to grow white mushrooms: advice to novice mushroom pickers

On the question, in which forests grow white mushrooms,the answer is simple. Their collection and search takes place mainly in the areas of forests with the majority of coniferous species, besides, it will be nice if in such forests there will be a mixture with oaks or birches.

In searches, where white mushrooms like to grow, followschoose deciduous forests, the age of trees in which is more than 50 years, or pine with the age of pine for about 25-30 years. Boroviki prefer loamy, sandy and sandy loamy soil, but in the marshes it is almost impossible to find them.

Places where white mushrooms like to grow are usually well-lit. But if the year is fruitful, you can also find them in the darkened forest zones.

How to find white mushrooms: a few tips

When and where to grow white mushrooms: advice to novice mushroom pickers

Borovik is a great fan of hide and seek. To find him, you need to stock up with considerable patience and good eyesight. In which places in the forest is better to look for white mushrooms:

  1. Slopes of various ravines, as well as open fringesand glades are favorite places of the mushrooms. They often grow from the mycelium that has been damaged, and therefore find the white mushrooms where you can graze cattle or along forest paths.

  2. Boroviki large-sized grow in spruce and boron, and in deciduous forests usually occur less often.

  3. The presence on the site of the surveyor,mushrooms, blueberries, whites, heathers or valvels - this is also a clear sign that there are also nearby ceps nearby. They are not found in overgrown thickets and damp lowlands.

  4. When you saw one representative of this species, there must be others alongside, you just have to look at it.

There are many places where white mushrooms grow. The main thing is to choose a suitable season, weather, and soon your bowls will be filled with these elite forest gifts.

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