Where and when to collect mushrooms in the Moscow region

It is rather difficult to foresee a specific place whereit will be possible to harvest a rich harvest of mushrooms. However, an experienced lover of "quiet hunting" knows in what particular area and in what conditions one or another specimen likes to grow. And then he will not have to go around in the hope of finding anything. So, where do you need to collect mushrooms and when to do it?

Where to collect mushrooms

Searches should be conducted slowly, looking underevery bush. The best time to collect mushrooms is before sunrise, and then you just have to try so that the sun's rays do not hit your eyes. The general rule of gathering mushrooms is that they must be looked for in a loose, humus-saturated soil, which is moderately moistened. However, not all can be found in such places, some of them differ in their individual habitats. So, for example, ceps (and boletus) are most often found in old forests, near age oaks, birches, pines and limes. Therefore it is foolish to look for them among the green young growth of small groves and plantations. You need to look closely at the forest, well-lit, glades, with rarely growing trees.

Where and when to collect mushrooms in the Moscow region

Podosinoviki can be found near aspen, however theygrow under other trees. Also not known for its secrecy are podberezoviki, which in numerous groups grow in birch groves. In the lowlands, rich in moisture, they are more massive. And where to collect butter mushrooms and mushrooms? They are not tied to the characteristics of the surrounding nature and can grow in large quantities, both in planting and in forests. For example, in the Moscow region they can be found in the Ramenskoye district and the surroundings of Sergiyev Posad.Where and when to collect mushrooms in the Moscow region

Noticing the terrain with numerous slices fromfruit bodies, be sure to remember it for the next time. Quite often they suffer the question: how to extract mushrooms from the ground? Tubular species should be cut or twisted, and lamellar species - to break, tear down. It is possible and pull out the fungus - in fact the danger of disturbance of the upper nutrient layer is not proved, at times the fungi grow better in the soil, which undergoes regular loosening (near forest roads, burning spots, etc.).

When to collect mushrooms

Mushroom diversity can please an amateur"quiet hunting" from mid-May to late autumn. But it is worth considering that the growth of mushrooms is affected by a lot of natural factors - not without reason in the people about it a lot of different signs are composed. So, for example, with too high fall and winter precipitation, do not look for early spring morels. In general, the first harvests of fungi can be expected after sufficient warming up of the soil, until the first appearance of fresh grass (up to about 10 days). In this period, start to bear fruit oysters, boletus, podberezoviki and meadow agarics.

Where and when to collect mushrooms in the Moscow region

After this, a certain calm sets in, andnature gets the necessary moisture for growth in the form of spring rains, and lovers of "quiet hunting" at this time are looking for less crowded places where you can pick mushrooms for your own pleasure. Summer is rich in mushroom harvest: in June you can find russules, mosses and podgruzhki, in July you can find butter mushrooms and podberezoviki, but only with good rains. The next period of a large mushroom gathering comes in the second half of August and can last up to three weeks, or even a month. And it is considered to be the most fertile, because at the same time in the forests you can find the boletus, russula, oil, mackerel, boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms and ryzhiki, and at the same time the forest is rich in berries. One of the popular signs, when it is necessary to collect mushrooms, at that time period is the appearance of the first strong fogs and yellow leaves on the birches.

Where and when to collect mushrooms in the Moscow region

Gradual decrease in average daily temperature andfalling leaves does not mean that the mushroom season is over: at this time it is good to look for "autumn" honey agarics. They like to grow in large colonies, and therefore everyone who finds them, can quickly load the brought basket to the dump at a time. And what mushroom picker does not want to get a photo of the harvested crop? At this time, they are worth looking for on the trunks of fallen trees or old stumps.

But even with the arrival of the first autumn morningfrosts do not despair to find mushrooms. In the forests you can find oyster mushrooms, which can often be found in markets and in shops (they are grown in special greenhouses). Due to the accuracy of its growth, it is possible to quickly harvest a rich harvest. Further, after the onset of frost and the first snow, approximately in November, you can try to look for in the forest "winter" honey agarics. Where to collect these mushrooms? They can be found in crevices and hollows of trees, they are edible, although they are not very popular among experienced mushroom pickers.

Following the above tips, you will neverwonder where and when to pick mushrooms. And this means that you can always boast of the results of your "quiet hunting" before your friends or colleagues with the results (photos or ready-made dishes). But remember about precautions, tear down or cut only edible mushrooms, in which you are absolutely sure.

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