Installing windows with your own hands
If you always dreamed of installing new windows, but you were confused by the high price of installing them, then you can save by installing windows yourself. It's not at all difficult! About, how to install windows with your own hands, tells the Country of Councils.

Modern PVC and metal-plastic windows have almost supplanted the usual wooden, although both have their advantages. The installation of windows with their own hands is examined using the example of PVC windows.

Installation of windows with your own hands begins with the measurement. On how correctly and accurately accomplishedthis operation, very much depends. Due to incorrectly sized sizes, the produced windows may be "out of proportion" to the existing window opening, and it is rather difficult to correct this miscalculation, and in rare cases it is not possible at all.

So, The measurements are carried out as follows. The width of the window opening is measured along thewindow sill, from one side slope to the second. The height of the opening is measured from the upper slope to the window sill, strictly vertically. The length of the sill is measured from one edge of the window sill to the second, from the window frame to the edge of the sill along the side slope is measured the depth of the sill.

Further, the width of the slopes is measured - the distance fromframe before the beginning of the wall. From the outside of the window opening (ie from the side of the street), the depth of the dewatering (visor) is measured - from the window frame to the edge of the ebb, along the outer side slope.

After carrying out the measurements of the window opening, it is possible to calculate what the sizes of the manufactured window will be. The width of the resulting window should be lessaperture of 3 cm - 1,5 cm from each side remains on the mounting seams. In height, the window is smaller than the opening by 4.5 - 5.5 cm: 1.5 cm from the top edge of the opening to the mounting seam and 3-4 cm from the lower edge of the opening to the window sill.

Ordering and receiving windows in accordance with the received sizes, prepare a place for installation. The best option is to install windows with your ownhands in a renovated room, when there is no furniture in it and no one lives. If the furniture can not be removed from the premises, then it is necessary to protect it from dust and dirt with a plastic film, newspaper, etc. The floor is best covered with sheets of plywood or hardboard - to prevent damage in case of heavy objects.

Having prepared a "workplace", you can start dismantling an old window. The leaflets of the windows are removed from the hinges, from the openingThe old window frame breaks, the window sill and water drainage are dismantled. The opening should be free of construction debris. It should be remembered that you can not greatly change the size of the window opening, otherwise the window may not "go through".

Before installation, new windows are freed from double-glazed windows, hinged wings - there are only frames. It is recommended that when removing from the frame of double-glazed windows, mark all the filmed shots, then return each of them strictly to its place.

The exempted window frame is installed in thewindow opening, strictly on horizontal and vertical lines. The horizontal nature of the installation is carefully checked by level, vertical - by plumb. The frame is fixed in the desired position by means of spacers.

Further installation of windows with your own hands is done this way. The window frame is fixed to the opening on the anchor boltsor mounting plates, whereby "warm" aluminum windows are preferably mounted on the plates. The fasteners should not be too tight so that the windows do not subsequently take a "barrel-shaped" look.

After the frame is fixed, return to thethe place of double-glazed windows and sashes, the filling is performed - the filling of the space between the frame and the opening with a special mounting foam. It is best to perform this operation with a construction gun - it allows you to more accurately apply foam. To fully dry the foam, it takes up to 24 hours, after which the seams are sealed.

Further on the outside,, and when the foam is completely dry installation of a window sill, finishing of slopes. The window sill is attached to the window, the opening underneath is usually filled with foam. Slopes are "stitched" with sheets of plasterboard, plastic - depending on personal preferences.

The final stage of the work - checking the operation of the hardware, removing protective films from the windows. After that, you can remove construction debris and enjoy new windows.

Installing windows with your own hands is not such a complicated process, but if you are not confident in your abilities or do not have the necessary amount of free time, then it is better to order the installation of a team of qualified fitters, which will perform all the work quickly and accurately.

Installing windows with your own hands
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