Benefits and Harms of Sugar
Around this sweet product is a lotdisputes. Many people say about the harm of sugar for the human body, call it "white death", and for someone, a day without a sweet, is considered to have fallen out of life. So what is still outweighed: benefit or harm of sugar?

Let's start with the bad news: The harm of sugar for the human body has already been proven. Excessive consumption of sweets leads to metabolic disorders, and, as a consequence, obesity and diabetes mellitus. In addition, since childhood, each of us was told: "Do not eat much sweet, otherwise your teeth will hurt." Indeed, the sweet destroys the tooth enamel, and therefore the abuse of sugar-containing products later becomes the cause of caries.

There is also scientific evidence that lovers of fatty and sweet fall into the risk group for breast cancer. A property of sugar to dislodge from the blood vitamins of group B can cause sclerosis, heart attack,cardiovascular diseases. Negative influence of sugar surplus on the musculoskeletal system, as well as skin and hair. So now, knowing about the harm of sugar, completely abandon the sweet, deprive yourself of another joy in life?

The answer to this question is good news. Sugar all the same is necessary for our body. Glucose is one of the main sources of energyhead human brain. The lack of this substance leads to a decrease in working capacity, can cause dizziness or even headache. In addition, when there is a shortage of glucose, mood significantly decreases, so those who suffer from depression and recommend eating candy in order to "sweeten" their lives a little. The benefit of sugar is obvious, which means that you can not completely abandon the sweet.

As in everything, you need to know the extent of the use of sugar. Scientists have proven that normal daytime the sugar rate for a person is 50-60 grams per day, this amount is approximately equal to 10 teaspoons. Exceeding the daily rate, despite the need for this product for productive brain work, can cause symptoms that are characterized by a lack of glucose: fatigue, lethargy, dizziness. It should also be taken into account that we use sugar not only in pure form or as a component of confectionery products. Sugar is included in many "salty" dishes, and is also found in natural products, such as fruits and vegetables. So it turns out that the daily sugar norm can be obtained from food without using it in its pure form.

What then do those who really lovesweet and does not represent his life without sweets, cakes, or just sweet tea? It turns out that getting rid of excess sugar in the body is very simple. A wonderful cleaner is ... simple fresh water, preferably spring water. For to completely neutralize the harm of sugar, 4 - 7 hours after eating sweet, you need to drink 2.5 times more unboiled water than was eaten sugar before.

White sugar is recommended to be replaced with brown sugar. This product is much more useful, because it contains a large number of minerals: calcium, potassium, copper, iron. Do not forget about honey. You can, of course, apply to sugar substitutes, but this should be done cautiously, as in some cases, the harm caused by substitutes will outweigh the harm of sugar.

Using sugar or refusing it, remember that Your body knows how much sweet is needed for you. And if you really want to eat a candy or a piece of a cake, do not deny yourself this pleasure, thinking about the harm of sugar. The main thing is do it wisely and do not abuse it.

Benefits and Harms of Sugar
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