What can you cook for dinner quickly and deliciously?In the old days everything was simple: The man is the getter, the woman is the mistress. A man kills and brings a mammoth, a woman prepares it. Now the majority of women also become "breadwinners", but cooking still rests on their fragile shoulders. So the question arises before working women: what can you cook for dinner quickly and deliciously??

The first to come to mind, of course, semi-finished products - cheap and angry. Fry in a quick chicken stick or boiled dumplings - and everyone is happy. But this is hardly an ideal option. The constant use of semi-finished products does not affect our stomach in the best way. And really high-quality semi-finished products are now expensive.

You can cook for dinner sandwiches - Fast, tasty, but is it useful? Sandwiches - this is "dry", for the stomach is even more harmful than semi-finished products. A little to improve the situation can hot sandwiches - the bread is put on the filling (dicedsausage, ham, boiled meat, vegetables - that is found in the refrigerator) and sprinkled with grated cheese. Then - a couple of minutes in the oven or microwave, and dinner is ready! But still, every day to eat sandwiches undesirable.

Also can be prepared for dinner alternative to sandwiches - homemade pizza. Usually the most time-consuming stage of preparationPizza is kneading dough. But in many shops now you can buy special "billets" for pizza. They greatly shorten the cooking time. Simply take such a piece, grease it with a ready-made tomato sauce, then spread the pizza toppings (sausage, ham, boiled meat, peppers, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms - limit only your taste and the contents of the refrigerator), sprinkle cheese and bake pizza in the oven or microwave oven.

But it's unlikely that her husband will agree to sit on pizza,sandwiches and semi-finished products, and children need a more varied and healthy diet. What can you cook for dinner from more "serious" dishes? Of course, meat! Many housewives think that cooking meat is a long and time-consuming process. This is so - if only you are going to cook a duck in Beijing. Actually, to cook meat for dinner quickly and deliciously quite realistic!! Just need to know a few secrets.

The first secret is cutting. The smaller and thinner the chopped meat, the fasterit is being prepared. So in order to cook meat quickly, you need to cut it into small pieces, briefly marinate in a mixture of mayonnaise or soy sauce and spices, and then quickly fry it over medium heat. To ensure that the meat is juicy and not burned, you must constantly stir it and add boiled water to the pan if necessary.

The second secret is a marinade and a microwave oven. To quickly cook chicken fillets for dinner,you can pre-marinate it (for example, in a mixture of soy sauce, lemon juice and spices) right in a special microwave oven, and then simply put it, without pouring the marinade, into the microwave oven and select the desired cooking mode (most microwaves have a special mode for meat) and the weight of the fillet. Next microwave will do everything for you. Meat is cooked quickly and turns out very juicy and tasty.

But you can not make a dinner out of one meat. What can I cook for dinner as a side dish? With potatoes you need to tinker, so a faster option is pasta or porridge. But here, too, there are a few secrets. For example, the time of cooking pasta depends on the variety - vermicelli is prepared faster than spirals or spaghetti. To make pasta faster, they need to be cooked under the lid (without forgetting to periodically lift the lid and mix the pasta so that they do not stick together). A buckwheat porridge will be cooked faster if you pour buckwheat with water for the night.

And to make your meal more "vitamin", you can cook for dinner vegetable salad. Just take seasonal vegetables, cut them(it can be large, and lettuce leaves are more convenient to tear everything to pieces with hands), salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). To diversify this salad and make it more nutritious, you can add to it chicken, eggs or cheese (hard or soft varieties - brynza, Adyghe, etc.).

We gave you just a few answers to the question "What can you cook for dinner quickly and delicious?". A couple more tips you can find in our article "Cooking for 15 minutes" - it also tells how to cook dinner quickly, deliciously and inexpensively.

What can you cook for dinner quickly and deliciously?
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