Mediaaget: how to correctly download files from torrents
Despite the fact that the torrent trackers appeared in therunet long enough, so far not all users are able to work with them. And all this is due, first of all, to the complexity of downloading files from torrents. The user needs to perform a number of actions in which he understands a little. First, you need to find a suitable peer-to-peer network (which is exactly how the torrents are called) and register in it. Secondly, to find there the necessary torrent file and download it, understand that this is not a movie / game / music, but actually a small link to the download.
Thirdly, to find the necessary program, whichwill be able to recognize this file and open it, and only after that the download of the interesting movie or the game will finally start. Thus, there are many obstacles between the user and the file that he wants to download.
However, there is a Mediaget program in Russian,which makes searching and downloading files much easier. Using it, you do not need to know all the torrent trackers, where you can find the necessary files, you do not need to register on many different sites. In fact, the Mediaget is a client for downloading torrent files with advanced functionality.
You can download this program at the officialsite, which, by the way, is also Russian-speaking. After installation and launch, you will open the client's main menu, which displays three sections - the directory, media player and downloads. The catalog presents the latest novelties of movies, music and games that appeared on torrents.
In the download section, all files will be displayed,which you download or have already completed download. Well, the media player allows you to start watching the movie just a few minutes after the download begins. In order for a file to be downloaded via a media outlet, just enter its name in the special search box located at the top of the client.
The program itself will find files with similar names on themost popular trackers, and also sorts them according to the potential download speed. All you have to do is choose one of the suggested options and click on the "download" button. By the way, during the download the program will automatically search for trackers, where the file is identical to the downloaded and add them, which significantly speeds up the entire download process.
After full or partial downloading of the file to yourPC, it automatically starts to "be heard", that is, other users who are currently looking for this movie or the game will be able to download it from you. As you can see, with this program the process of file exchange is greatly simplified. At the same time, it should be noted that if you notice that your PC is slowing down due to the included client, then Mediaget is better to disable.
Summarizing, we can say that the torrent clientMediaget eliminates virtually all the problems that ordinary users of the Network have experienced before. Yes, of course, there are quite a few similar programs that are heavily advertised on various trackers. However, they are significantly inferior to Mediaget, in terms of ease of use and number of possibilities.
This is due, first of all, to the fact that thisthe client, unlike the others, is focused on an extensive audience, not just a small group of advanced users who understand the software well.
Author: Vyacheslav Kinko