how to teach a dog a voice command

Teach the dog the command "Voice!" It's easy if you start learning from theearly age. But the owners of adult dogs who want to teach their favorites the "Voice!" Team, do not despair - a little perseverance and patience will necessarily give the desired result!

The dog's command "Voice!" Is not a mandatory standard and most often the owners train their dogs in thisteam for personal reasons. However, for the dogs of the guard or search service, for guide dogs and dogs accompanying children, the "Voice!" Command can be very useful.

So, teach the dog to the team "Voice!" can be using several different unconditioned stimuli: for a treat, for an artifact, forteasing assistant, on the trainer leaving the bound dog, etc. The choice of this or that stimulus depends on the individual characteristics of each dog.

In order to determine on which stimulusit is best to react to this or that dog, you must carefully monitor its behavior and notice what it is that provokes the dog to bark. It is best to start classes at an early age, usually from 6 months.

Puppies usually react to balls, rags, barking, if someone touches their bowl for food. Lai in the puppy also causes the inability to get to a treat or to your favorite toy.

One of the most reliable and "faithful" methods of training a dog for the "Voice!" Team is learning for a treat. The dog should be planted in front of him, the leashto hold with his foot. Delicacy should be taken in hand and give the dog its sniff. Then move your arm up or to the side so that the dog can not reach out to the delicacy - it will be held by the leash.

The dog begins to bark and she you should give the command "Voice!", then encourage with delicacy and exclamation "Good!". It is recommended to give the command "Voice!" Just at the moment when the dog just starts to bark. Exercise should be repeated regularly, 3-4 times a day with short breaks.

Gradually the encouragement of a delicacy is replaced by simply stroking and exclamation "Good!" - as long as the need for delicacy disappears completely.

When the dog learned the voice command, you caninclude in the training is also a team gesture. A common gesture for the "Voice!" Command is to swing left and right bent at the elbow and raised to the level of the head with your right hand (palm forward).

First the command "Voice!" Is simultaneously voiced by the trainer and accompanied by a gesture, then you can gradually apply the command and gesture one by one.

The result of training the dog team "Voice!" Is considered satisfactory, if the dog performs a command from its current position ("stand", "lie down", "sit") at the first request of the trainer, being away from him at a distance of 15 m.

Teach the dog the command "Voice!"With the help of delicacies can be more difficult if the dog is not a" food processor ", i.e. food does not provoke her to bark, or if the dog is generally calm from nature. In this case, it can help method of imitation.

As an example for imitation, one can taketrained to the command "Voice!" a dog. Such a dog is seated next to a trained dog and given the command "Voice!". The trained dog successfully performs the command and it demonstratively, so that the trained dog is seen, encouraged by delicacy. Soon the trained dog "will understand what's what".

In some cases, the trainer and one or several assistants can take on the role of the object for imitation. The trainer gives the command "Voice!" To assistants, they "bark" and get a treat for it. This way of teaching the dog to the "Voice!" Team is very unusual and cheerful.

how to teach a dog a voice command
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