How to become friendsThey say: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." That's just where to get them, these friends? Not all people easily get new acquaintances, and if they get acquainted with someone, do not imagine how to reduce the distance and from the category of friends go to the category of friends. How to become friends with a person who is pleasant to you?

Before trying to become friends with someone,Think about why you need it. If you want this for the sake of profit, then you will not get real friendship: a real friendship is built on disinterestedness. Of course, friends help each other, but not because they expect reciprocal help, but simply because they are friends. Friendship is not barter.

Friendship is more than common interests, hobbies, topics for conversation. You can communicate with friends, for a casual pastime does not necessarily become friends. Friendship is mutual respect and mutual support. To become friends, you need to show a person that he can trust you, that he can rely on you.

The desire to become friends with the person who islike, often playing with us a cruel joke. Aspiring to please him, we begin to "draw", behave differently than we are. Perhaps this will attract his attention, but this is unlikely to build a friendship. It's important to be yourself, to remain sincere and honest, because you want a person to want to be friends with you, not with a fictitious image.

While you have not become friends, you do not need to impose: obtrusiveness irritates and discourages. Understand that if you are destined to become friends,this will happen sooner or later. You do not need to force events and impose your own society. One of the important components of friendship is respect for the personal space of a friend.

remember, that It is necessary to be able to be close to a friend not only in joy, but also in sadness. This friend differs from a friend - the fact thathe will put his shoulder at the right time and will be with you next to not only when you are all right, but when you are ill. So be ready to support.

Some people are getting in the way of making friends with shyness. They think that if they become more sociable, they will add more friends. However, do not go too far. One of the important qualities of a good friend is the ability to listen. And do not just listen, but hear what they say to you, maintain a dialogue.

It is also very important respect the opinion of your friend, even if you do not agree with him. Friends do not necessarily have to agree with each other.friend in everything: everyone has the right to his point of view. Friends respect each other's point of view and never ridicule it, even if it is different from their own.

By the way, about respect. Friends usually share information with each other, which no one else trusts. therefore if a friend has told you something, do not retell this information to anyone else, even if it's not a secret. If he wants, he will tell it to everyone else, respect his right to privacy.

In friendship there is no place for selfishness: everyone has the right to be friends with more than one personman. Therefore, you do not need to claim the place of the only friend: if you really make friends, you and so will want to spend as much time as possible. But do not try to occupy yourself with the whole life space of another person.

In general, the most important thing is that Do not try with all your might to become a friend to someone you like. Just be close, communicate, and in time, friendship will grow into friendship if there really is potential for it.

Strong friendship does not appear "out of nowhere": before they said that in order toreally get to know a person, you need to eat a pood of salt with him. The pud of salt is sixteen kilos, so consider how long it will take to really become friends.

How to become friends
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