Marinated aubergines for the winter
Canned eggplants for the winter can be in different ways: both "in its pure form", and in the composition of caviar and salads. We suggest that you prepare Pickled Eggplant, which in winter can be served as a snack or garnish.

Marinated aubergines for the winter

Here is a simple and quick recipe for pickling eggplants with a minimum of ingredients. We take out the following products from the refrigerator:

  • 5 kg aubergines

  • 300 g of garlic

  • 300 ml of vegetable oil

  • 1 tbsp. table vinegar

Mine eggplants, cut the peduncles and cut the fruit into cubes about 5 by 5 centimeters in size. Garlic is cleaned and very finely chopped, you can grind it with a blender.

Saucepan with salted water (1 tsp. salt for 1 liter of water) put on the fire, bring the water to a boil and put eggplant. We wait for the water to boil, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Eggplant is thrown into a colander and let the water drain. It is best to blanch aubergines in small portions, so they will quickly boil and not be digested.

The oil is poured into an enameled pan,to a boil. Add eggplant, vinegar, garlic, mix everything thoroughly. Eggplants are laid out hot in sterilized jars and rolled. We wrap it until it cools down completely, then we put it away for storage.

Marinated aubergines in Georgian

But an unusual option of marinating "blue" - pickled eggplants in Georgian with garlic, mint and walnuts. To prepare this stock for the winter we will need:

  • 3 kg aubergines

  • 2 liters of water

  • 200 g of peeled walnuts

  • 200 g of garlic

  • 80 g salt for brine + salt for eggplant boiling

  • 80 g of sugar

  • 10 tbsp. l of sunflower oil

  • 3 tbsp. l. acetic essences

  • 1 tsp. of dried mint

  • 15 peas of black pepper

This option is designed for three-and-a-half-literbanks. To start my eggplant, cut from both sides and make cuts along, while not cutting to the end. Fill eggplants with salted water (1 tablespoon salt for 1 liter of water), fold the eggplant into a colander, rinse with cold water and let it drain.

We clean the eggplants from the skin and fry the flesh in4 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Garlic and walnuts pass through the meat grinder, add dried mint, stir. The resulting mixture is stuffed with eggplant.

We put eggplants in prepared cans,add black pepper peas (5 pcs in each jar), sunflower oil (2 tablespoons), vinegar essence (1 incomplete item of l.). Water with salt and sugar bring to a boil, fill the eggplant with hot brine.

We sterilize the jars for 40 minutes, then roll up, put it upside down and wrap it up until it cools down completely.

Marinated aubergines in Korean

We offer a recipe for pickling eggplants with vegetables in Korean (it is worth remembering that such recipes do not belong to traditional Korean cuisine, but to the kitchen of Soviet Koreans - koryo-saram). We will have the right ingredients:

  • eggplant - 4 kg

  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg

  • carrots - 1 kg

  • onions - 1 kg

  • garlic - 100 g

  • bitter pepper - 1-2 pods

  • salt - 2 handfuls

  • 70% vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

  • cooking oil for frying

Eggplant my, cut into thin strips,stir and leave for an hour: the salt will save the eggplant from bitterness. Purified carrots rubbed on a special grater for cooking carrots in Korean, cut the onions into rings, and peppers - long thin strips. Garlic finely chopped.

Mix all the vegetables, except eggplant,pour vinegar and leave for 5 hours. During this time you need to mix them a couple of times. Aubergines fry lightly with vegetable oil and let cool. Mix them with the rest of the vegetables, spread out on sterile cans. Sterilize (15 minutes for half-liter cans, 25 - for liter), roll.

Bon Appetit!

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