Eggplant caviar: recipe for winter
One of the most popular dishes from courgettes orEggplant is caviar. Its weighty advantage is that this snack can be preserved for the winter. How to close caviar caviar, we already told, on turn eggplant caviar. Recipe for eggplant caviar for the winter offers the Country of Soviets.

Eggplant caviar: recipe 1

"Black caviar, red ... Yes! Overseas caviar, eggplant! "We think everyone remembers this quote from a remarkable film" Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession. " It is possible that the caviar was cooked according to this recipe. And even if not - the result you still will not disappoint. So, the products for cooking caviar from eggplants will need the following:

  • 2 kg aubergines

  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes

  • 1 kg of onions

  • 1 kg of carrots

  • 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper

  • 350-400 ml of vegetable oil

  • 8 tbsp. l. salt

  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

  • hot chilli pepper - to taste

Eggplant my and cut into cubes. The skin is cleaned at will - you can clean it, you can leave it. Fold the eggplant in a bowl, add 5 tbsp. l. salt and poured water so that the eggplant was completely covered. We leave eggplants in water for 40 minutes - during this time the salt water "draws" from them bitterness.

Onions are cleaned, mine and chopped into smallcubes. We remove the pepper from the seeds and mine. Bulgarian pepper is cut into cubes, sharp - cut as small as possible. Carrots are cleaned, washing and rubbing on a medium grater. My tomatoes and cut into cubes.

Eggplant is thrown into a colander, washed fromsalt and squeeze from excess water. Fry eggplants in vegetable oil. We shift the eggplants into a large saucepan or any other suitable container to extinguish the eggs. In the frying pan add a little oil and fry the onion, shift it to the eggplant. Just consecutively fry carrots and bell peppers. Tomatoes a little stew in a frying pan under the lid.

When all vegetables are in a saucepan, stirthem, add the remaining 3 tbsp. l. salt, sugar and hot pepper. Stew caviar on a small fire, do not forget to stir occasionally. To extinguish it is necessary about 40 minutes, but if the caviar seems too liquid, you can boil it a little longer until it gets the desired density. If desired, you can mash the prepared caviar with a blender to a homogeneous consistency and bring it back to a boil.

We spread the eggs on hot sterile jars, cover them with lids and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. Then roll up and wrap the cans until it cools down completely.

Eggplant caviar: recipe 2

Here is another recipe for eggplant caviar for the winter. It will be liked by those who love sharp, because in caviar we will add garlic. To close the caviar for this recipe, you need to stock up with such products:

  • 3 kg aubergines

  • 300 g of bell pepper

  • 300 g of onions

  • 300 g of tomatoes

  • 100 ml of vegetable oil

  • 12-14 cloves of garlic

  • greens (parsley, coriander or basil) - to taste

  • sugar, salt, pepper - to taste

Eggplant my, cut along into halves. Spread halves of eggplants on a baking tray and grease the slices with vegetable oil. We put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 230-250 degrees, and bake for 25 minutes. When eggplants are ready, let them cool slightly and peel. Pulp finely chopped with a knife.

We clean onions, mine and finely chopped. Pepper, we cleanse the seeds and cut into small cubes. Tomatoes are peeled (by scalding them with boiling water) and grinding with a blender.

We take thick-walled dishes, we reheat itvegetable oil. We put onions and fry for 2 minutes. Then add pepper and fry for 4-7 minutes, stirring. Then put tomatoes, mix and 5 minutes stew on low heat, stirring occasionally. Finally, add the eggplant and stew for 7-8 minutes (of course, stir not forget!).

Purified garlic is passed through the press. I wash my greens, we dry and finely chop. Add garlic, greens, salt, sugar, pepper to the vegetables, mix and stew for another 5-7 minutes. We spread the hot caviar on sterile cans, cover it with a lid and sterilize the cans for 10-15 minutes (for half-liter cans). We roll up the jars and wrap them before cooling down.

Bon Appetit!

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