Recipes for salting trout

Many people like to eat salted trout orsalmon, but it is better not to buy immediately ready fish in the store, and cook yourself. Trying to do this several times, you will find your own unique recipe for a salty mixture and will regularly delight your family and friends, both in everyday life and on holidays.

Traditionally, the fish is filled with a mixture of large salt withadding a small amount of sugar. Some gourmets add other spices. After standing for several days, it starts up the juice and absorbs the right amount of salt, so it's unlikely that you will ruin the dish with a too sharp salty taste.

Basic rules for salting trout at home

  1. It is better to buy fresh fish. Experts say that it is much tastier, but if there is no choice, the frozen one will do too.

  2. If you want to salivate several parties at once, buy the whole, and at home separate it into separate portions. To prepare it for sandwiches, it is better to purchase frozen fillets.

  3. Salted trout should be stored in enamel, glass or ceramic dishes, but in no case in the iron. So the dish can get a strong metallic taste.

  4. We put it into the dishes in layers, pouring over the salty mixture. After that, it is better to cover with a lid, a film or a thin napkin and put in the refrigerator.

  5. When the trout is salted, gently remove it from thecapacity. It will necessarily be covered with juice. You can just pat it with a napkin or let it drain yourself. But in any case, do not wash, otherwise it will lose its taste.

  6. For those who are afraid to consume salted fishbecause of the microbes that remain in the raw product, you can immediately say that the salt perfectly eliminates all harmful microorganisms, and she does not lose taste and attractive appearance.

Salted Recipes with photo

Lightly salted trout in Finnish


  • Trout or any other red fish - 500 g

  • fresh dill - 100 g

  • large salt (you can use sea) - 3 tbsp. l.

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking procedure

  1. Mine and we cut the fish into the right pieces, without removing the skin.

  2. Mix the salt and sugar and rub this mixture with each separate piece.

  3. Dill should be washed and dried, but not cut.

  4. In the salting tank, put a third of all the fennel,then a layer of fish skinned down, spread the remains of dill and again a layer of fish, but this time with the skin up. We cover the top with a plate and press it down with a small load.

  5. The dish with trout is kept at room temperature for eight hours, after which it can be taken to the refrigerator, where it will reach the desired state for two days.

Recipes for salting trout

Trout with honey


  • fish - 1 kg

  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking procedure

  1. The whole fish should be washed, carefully dried and cut into portions. If you have a fillet, then it must also be washed and dried, and then skinned.

  2. Stir the honey and salt and gently rub the mixture with the fish. When honey spreads a little, you can rub it into trout pieces more intensively.

  3. We put the trout in a glass container, and the fillet - we roll into small rolls.

  4. We cover the container with a lid and clean it for a day infridge. After that, the fish should be opened, turned over and hidden again in the refrigerator. This procedure should be done every 24 hours, so that the fish is evenly covered with the juice that has appeared.

  5. On the last, fourth day of salting, brine can be poured and begin to eat fish.

Recipes for salting trout

Picking Red Fish Fast


  • trout or salmon - 1 kg

  • stone or sea salt - 3 tbsp. l.

  • water 0.5 liters

  • pepper peas - 8 pcs.

  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.

  • table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

  • vegetable oil - 50 ml

  • onions - 1 pc.

Cooking procedure

  1. Wash fish, dry, divide into pieces and put in a container for pickling.

  2. Take half a liter of water and dissolve salt in it. Thoroughly mix until the salt disappears completely and pour the mixture of trout. We put a small weight on top of it and leave it to salt at room temperature for one and a half to two hours.

  3. Drain the mixture and prepare a new one. Take a glass of water and add vinegar into it. In this brine, the fish should be no longer than five minutes.

  4. We cut the onion rings, mix it with vegetable oil, bay leaf and pepper, pour into the bowl and put the fish there. In twenty minutes it can be served on the table.

Recipes for salting trout

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