Fish soup

Earlier on our table there was mainly an earfrom the typical for our wide river fish - that caught, then ate. But the salmon fish became quite affordable, so it became possible to cook soup from salmon or trout. How to prepare an ear from a trout?
Golden ear of trout
The trout ear is not such an expensive dish as it may seem. To get a rich fish ear, it is not necessary to use fillets, fish heads and spines will perfectly suit. To prepare soups from trout heads, we will need:
2 heads of trout and spine
8 potatoes
3 medium bulbs
2 carrots
20 g of butter
black pepper, salt - to taste
Pour into a pan 4 liters of water and put it on the fire. While the water boils, we clean onions and carrots, finely chopped and fried in butter until golden. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes. In boiling water we put trout and vegetables and cook until cooked at minimum heat. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper to taste. Before serving, let the ear set for about an hour.
Ear of trout with wheat
To the ear of the trout was more nourishing, you can add in addition to vegetables in her cereals - for example, wheat. To prepare the soup with wheat, we will take such products:
trout - 400 g
potatoes - 400 g
small carrots - 1 pc.
small onion - 1 pc.
wheat croup - 1/3 st.
bay leaves - 2-3 pcs.
salt, black pepper, greens - to taste
We wash the fish, fill it with cold water and set itpan with fish on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, taking off the foam. Then we take the fish out of the broth. Broth filter and return to the fire.
The trout extracted from the broth should be disassembled into small pieces, removing the skin and bones. Potatoes, carrots and onions are cleaned. Potatoes cut with small blocks, carrots - rings, we leave the onions whole.
In the boiling broth we put vegetables when it boilsagain - wheat rump. Cook the soup until the vegetables are ready. A few minutes before the readiness, we put fish and a laurel leaf, salt and pepper. At the very end of the preparation, we add finely chopped greens. We give ready to the ear to insist half an hour and only then we submit to the table.
Ear of trout with pearl barley
You can put a pearl barley in your ear instead of wheat cereal - it will not be less tasty and satisfying. To prepare an ear for this recipe, we'll take:
500 g of potatoes
300 g of trout
3 tbsp. l. pearl barley
2 carrots
2 onions
cooking oil for frying
salt, spices, greens - to taste
Pour 2.5 liters of water into a saucepan. We put groats and 1 tbsp. l. salt (with a slide). Cook the pearl bar until half cooked (about 15-20 minutes). Meanwhile, we clean carrots, cut them one by one, and rub the second with a large grater. Onions are also cleaned and chopped finely. Onion together with grated carrots for 5 minutes fry in vegetable oil. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes.
We put the potatoes and the circles of carrots into the boilingwater with cereal. Cook for 5 minutes, put the fried onions with carrots and bring the broth to a boil. While the vegetables are cooked, cut the trout into strata. We put the fish in the boiling broth, cook for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and spices.
Finnish trout ear with cream
In soups of red fish, cream is often added. It turns out a very hearty and rich soup with a delicate taste. The soup of Finnish trout is also cooked with cream. To make such an ear, we will need the following products:
500 grams of trout
500 g of potatoes
200 ml cream
3-4 bulbs
2-3 peas of sweet pepper
salt, black pepper, parsley (greens) - to taste
My fish and cut into slices, without cleaningscales. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes, we also clean onions and finely chop. Take a deep saucepan, put the potatoes on the bottom, on top - a layer of onions, on the onion we lay the pieces of trout scales up.
We boil the water in a separate saucepan and fill it with water.boiling water trout with vegetables so that the fish is completely covered with water. Add the scented pepper, salt and pepper to taste. Cook the soup over medium heat for 15 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add cream and bring your ear to a boil.
Finished ear let us brew for 10 minutes, add finely chopped parsley and serve to the table.
Bon Appetit!