How correctly to salt food?

Different products need different amounts of salt. For example, fish (whether boiled or fried)you need a lot of salt, but you need to salt the meat very moderately, otherwise it will become tasteless, and if you salt it not in time - it's also tough. Many housewives are able to properly salt food intuitively, but if you do not yet have a "culinary flair", our advice can help you.
Most dishes are salted at the end of cooking. The fact is that when we salt, wewe focus on the volume of the dish: the larger the volume - the more salt we take. But during the preparation of excess liquid boils, and the volume of the dish is less than we expected - as a result we have a brine. And at the end of cooking such "surprises" will not be. In addition, the products at the end of cooking more evenly absorb salt.
For example, meat broth is salted about half an hour before cooked. And the mushroom broth correctly salt at the very end. Some products (for example, legumes - peas, beans, lentils, etc.) are salted five minutes before removal from the plate, because they are very long cooked in salt water. Having sipped them at the beginning of cooking, you will have to wait very long until they are finally ready.
But in some cases correctly salt food at the beginning of cooking. For example, if you decide to cook pasta,vermicelli, dumplings, dumplings or any other flour products, the water must be salted at the very beginning. The same applies to cooking boiled fish, soup or vegetable broth: first we salt water, and then we put fish or vegetables. Some housewives, however, believe that it is correct to salt fish broth five minutes after the foam was removed from it.
If you cook a pie or patties with salty stuffing or stuffed vegetables, then correctly salt the filling or minced meat twice as hardthan if you were cooking, for example, stuffing forcutlets. When cooking, part of the salt will be absorbed into the unleavened dough or vegetables that you are about to stuff, part of it will dissolve in water, in which you will extinguish the vegetables, and the dish will turn out to the best of salt.
Meat should be salted very moderately - it already contains various salts. If you are not a fan of salty foods, you can not salt the meat at all - just add to it some spices that will emphasize the taste of the dish. But if you still can not do without salt, remember that the brine is able to completely ruin the meat dish. In this case, it is better to nedosolit and salt the meat already in a plate.
Meat is usually salted just before frying, or in the process of frying, turning the piece. The liver is fried non-salted, otherwise it turns out too hard.
Fish (though boiled, at least fried, even stewed),on the contrary, it is necessary to salt abundantly. If you are going to fry fish, then it should be seasoned for 10-15 minutes before cooking, then during the frying process it will not fall apart.
Vegetables occupy an intermediate position between fish and meat: their salt is stronger than meat, but weaker than fish. Mushrooms salt slightly steeper than vegetables. Vegetables and mushrooms are very hard to properly salt: the slightest brine can completely ruin the dish, and it is almost impossible to eliminate it.
How correctly to salt potatoes? It depends on how you do itcook. If you cook refined potatoes, it should be salted immediately after the boiling water in which it is cooked. Potatoes in the uniform are salted at the very beginning of cooking (if they are salted at all). But the fried potatoes are salted at the very end, then it turns out crispy and ruddy.
As you can see, correctly to salt food is a wholeart. When cooking, you need to rely not only on recommendations for certain products, but also the traditions of this or that cuisine of the world, your own taste and even intuition. Remember: it is better not to saturate the dish, than to overdo it, because the salting can be very difficult to fix.