How to install a toilet bowl?One of the most crucial phases of overhauling a bathroom or toilet is toilet seat installation. Incorrectly installed toilet bowl will leak, and the room is at risk of being filled with the smell of sewerage. The country of the Soviets will tell, how to install the toilet correctly and avoid these problems.

Before installing the toilet, you need to choose it. There are a few criteria for choosing a toilet bowl. We will not particularly focus on them, but simply list:

  • size (depends on the size of the bathroom);

  • angle of release (straight, oblique, to the floor) and the height of the release from the floor;

  • the shape of the bowl;

  • the design of the tank;

  • company manufacturer;

  • color and design;

  • price.

So, the chosen toilet was taken from the store, you checked its integrity and equipment. You can proceed with the installation. Before installing the toilet, shut off the water. To shut off the water, close the valve,which goes directly to the toilet. If there is no such valve, or it continues to leak after the overflow, close the valve on the pipe with cold water.

Overlapping the water, dismantle an old toilet bowl, if you have not already done so: Disconnect the water supply to the toilet bowl, remove the toilet seat to the floor, detach the bell. Now you need to prepare the floor for fixing the toilet. The method of preparation of the floor depends on the type of attachment. There are in total three ways to install a toilet:

  1. With screws and dowels, attach it to the cement floor.

  2. Attach the toilet bowl to the wooden plank (taffeta) recessed in the floor.

  3. Lock the toilet with cement filling.

If both the old and the new toilet are attached with screws, and the floor does not require alignment, it is possibleTo install a toilet bowl on an old place, it is necessary only to replace old dowels with new ones. If the old holes are too wide, you need to drill new ones, taking into account the dimensions of the new toilet bowl, the length of the corrugation and the liner.

If the toilet fastened to a wooden board or cement slurry, you need to make a new screed. Taft is made of solid wood impregnated with linseed oil, equipped with anchors and heated in a cement-sand mortar level with the floor.

When the floor is prepared, you can proceed to install the toilet. First you need to install the toilet seat in place at the attachment point and check, how exactly is it worth (the plane of the toilet seat must be parallel to the floor plane). The drainage port of the toilet bowl must be above the opening in the receiving fan pipe.

Then the toilet outlet is connected to a sewer pipe with the help of corrugation. The end of the corrugation with sealing rings is inserted into the sewage system, and the end with the bell is stretched to the toilet outlet, and the joint is carefully lubricated with a sealant. If the toilet outlet is located close to the sewage outlet, instead of the corrugation, a cuff (straight or eccentric) is used.

After that, you need to strengthen the toilet, tightening the bolts. Having strengthened the toilet, install the tank. Installation of the tank depends on its design, we give only general recommendations:

  • be careful and careful - porcelain and faience are very fragile, you can stay without the tank;

  • evenly install all rubber gaskets and evenly tighten the fasteners.

If the tank is high, then it should be hung on the wall before installing the toilet.

Then the water pipe is screwed flexible water supply. Before you screw it to the tank, you need to opentap and drain some water through the piping: along with water from the pipe will be garbage. After that, close the tap, screw the other end of the line to the tank. All rubber nuts must be fitted with rubber gaskets. Do not forget to check their integrity!

Then Run the water and check for leaks. in places of connection of a tank and podvodki. When the tank is full, wait a couple of minutes and check again. After that, you need to drain the water several times to check the sewer connections for leaks. Make sure that the tank is not overfilled, and the water is drained well. If everything functions normally - then you have succeeded in installing the toilet yourself.

But still it must be remembered that installation of a toilet bowl is not an easy task, so it's better to entrust it to a professional. A good plumber can install a toilet faster and more efficient than an amateur.

How to install a toilet bowl?
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