Sink installationSink installation - an indispensable stage of repairing the bathroom, unless the repair is not cosmetic, "on top", but thorough, with the installation of new plumbing. How to install a sink in the bathroom?

Installing a sink is not easy, and betterentrust this task to the plumber. But in general terms to know how this process is going on will not hurt. Installation of the sink (regardless of the type, shape, material of the washbasin and fixing) consists of several stages:

  • Dismantling the old sink.

  • Measuring the parameters of the new shell and marking the wall for fasteners.

  • Installation of plumbing fixtures and drains.

  • Washbasin fastening.

  • Connection of water supply and drain pipes.

  • Installation of a siphon with sewerage.

Installation of the sink is of several types. Perhaps the most famous and widespread of these is installation of a sink on brackets. First, the wizard makes a preliminarymarking - it shows exactly where the washbasin will be located. After that, he fastens the brackets to the wall strong enough to withstand the weight of the shell and the bilge. Then the sink is fixed using dowels. The master leads to the sink a drain system (hydraulic shutter and a branch pipe) and mounts a siphon.

The second way of installation is installation of a sink on a pedestal, in which the shell is attached to the wall,so that the drain hole is located in the center. Tightly pressing the sink to the wall, the master makes marking in the places of attachment through the fixing holes. Then he drills these holes and inserts plugs into them. Then the mounting holes of the shell must be aligned with the holes in the wall and attach the sink to the wall with screws or dowels. After that, a drain siphon is connected to the sink, and its pipe is connected to the sewage system.

If the sewer pipes are built into the wall, and the drain is located at a height of not less than half a meter from the floor, you can install a washbasin on semi-pedestal. In this case, the sink is installedway, and then attach a half pedestal to the studs, which were pre-mounted in the wall. For this, it is necessary to combine the eyes of the half pedestal with the studs.

Another way to install - installation of a sink on a curbstone. The curbstone covers unaesthetic looking pipes,In addition, it can store washing powder, detergents, etc. First, a special nightstand is placed in the place where the washbasin will be located. The sink is inserted into the cutout of the countertop, the places of fastening of the washbasin are marked. After that, you need to drill holes, fix the mixer, siphon, and then - the sink itself. After that, the branch pipe of the siphon is inserted into the socket of the sewage system, and a water supply pipe is connected to the mixer.

In order to hide communications, you can use not only thumbs, but also special washbasins - "tulips". In these washbasins, water communications are hidden in a special "leg". Installation of the "tulip" shell is performed as follows. First, the body is fixed to the base without fixing it. The siphon and drain pipe are connected to the sink, and the underwater pipes to the mixer. Communications are removed to the bottom of the sink, the washbasin is fixed with two screws on the foot with the help of a coupling. The washbasin is screwed to the wall through the holes in the attachment points.

If you need extra storage space for toiletries, you can help installation of a sink on a suspended shelf. The shelf will take over the bearing load andat the same time serve as a place to store your shampoos and shower gels. To install a sink on a suspended shelf, holes are drilled in the wall and a sink is attached. The shelf is placed under the sink and makes a hole in it. The hole of the shelf is connected to the drain hole of the shell and the shelf is attached to the wall. Siphon, located under the shelf, you need to connect with the drain and sewer.

If you have a small bathroom, you can save space installation of a "water lily" shell. This is a shallow rectangular sink, underwhich you can install a washing machine. Such a sink completely covers the washing machine, and the sink in it is located so that the machine can be installed without problems under the sink.

Sink installation
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