Door installation by own hands

Entrance and interior doors - integralattribute of any home. Performing a protective, noise and heat insulation function, the doors, among other things, are an important element of the decorative design of the room. therefore door installation requires maximum accuracy and responsible approach.

Most often, the doors are mounted in a door frame,installed in the doorway. The exception is sliding or pendular doors, for installation of which a slightly different technology is used. To decorate the doorway, decorative platbands are used - they cover the installation gaps and unevennesses and give the door a more aesthetic appearance.

For household use, as a rule, single-leaf swinging wooden doors: from solid wood, paneled or paneled. This choice is due solely to the taste preferences of the owners of housing, their financial capabilities.

The door leaf is attached to the door frame more often by means of hinged loops - by their arrangement, the doors are divided into left- andright-sided. If the door opens "on itself" and the hinges are located to the left - then this is the left-hand door, if the door opens from itself and the hinges are on the right - then this door is right-sided.

To install a new door, it is recommended to select the appropriate door frame. To install a new door in an old box is not desirable, because it is very difficult to "fit" the dimensions.

When installing doors with your own hands, correctly calculate the required width and height of the door leaf and door frame. As a rule, interior doors are installed before the floor covering is laid, so it is necessary to subtract the thickness of the future coating from the height of the door when measuring.

In general the installation of the doors with your own hands is carried out in the following sequence:

  • preparation for installation;
  • assembly of the box;
  • installation of door leaf;
  • installation of platbands.

The door frame is usually fastened to the doorway in two ways: "on the foam" and through the fixture. When installing the box "on the foam", collecteda box with already inserted hardware and together with the door leaf on the wedges is installed in the opening, and the voids are filled with mounting foam. On drying, the foam expands and fills all the voids, reliably fixing the door in the opening.

The installation of doors only "on the foam" has several significant drawbacks, the main of which is impossibilityprecise definition of the gaps between the box and the door leaf. As a consequence, the door frame can be deformed, which will interfere with the natural "running" of the door leaf.

When installing the doorframe by means of a through fastening, the box is attached to the slopes of the opening with screws 8-10 mm in diameter. At the end of installation, the screws are masked with decorative putty or covered with decorative plugs.

The order of assembling and installing doors with their own hands through the way of through fastening looks like that:

  1. Door leaf to be marked under the side of the lock and loops according to the selected door opening side

  2. according to the completed markings, use the chisel to make the necessary nests and holes for the hinges and the lock

  3. Hinges and a lock to establish in a door cloth screws or самореми

  4. fasten the side racks and the upper crossbar of the box with screws by pre-lubricating the attachment points with glue

  5. having enclosed a door leaf in a box, to make a marking for reciprocal loops and on this marking to make a selection of nests

  6. loops to install on the box with screws or screws, to assemble the door unit

  7. ready to install the door unit in the doorway and fix it with wedges from the "wrong" side of the door leaf

  8. Designate locations for drilling in the doorway and on the door frame posts

  9. removing the block from the opening, drill holes in the opening for the dowels, install dowels

  10. Re-install the unit in the opening and fasten the block to the designated holes using self-tapping screws

  11. To install on the door leaf the necessary fittings: handles, bolts, locks

  12. mark on the side rack of the box a place for tie-in of the mating part of the lock and make the installation of the counter plate using self-tapping screws

  13. if necessary, fix the door unit in the opening with the help of a mounting foam (the cloth is in the closed state, to establish the spacers along the entire length of the frame of the box to avoid jamming)

  14. After a day, cut off excess foam, remove the spacers, install decorative plugs

  15. on the doorway to install platbands to close the joints and gaps between the door unit and the opening

Performing work on installing doors with their own hands, it is important to constantly monitor the accuracy of vertical and horizontal lines using level and plumb. Keep the room temperature and humidity constant. otherwise the door can "lead" and it will not open / close well.

Door installation by own hands
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